Thursday, September 25, 2014

What's In A Name?

Names have power.
And when it comes to first exposure of a name,
the person who had it first.... can set a mental image in mind that's hard to shake.
If a person is named 'this' then certainly they will all act like the first person you met with 'this' name would act.

You see, I had a dream last night.
About a guy who was chasing me around with a fork lift.
And his name happened to be Brady.

Now, I've known a few Brady's in my life.
But for some reason it's always struck me as a 'bully' name.
Because in Elementary school, there was a blonde haired guy in my class named Brady.
He was one of those kids who was bigger than all the others.  
Not that he was mean or anything, he just had that type of attitude.
The 'I'm better than you so move out of my way.' sort of attitude.

What I remember most about him was that he was climbing up a metal ladder on the playground (because we had metal big toys back then.) And I was right behind him, when he stepped on my hand.
Total accident really, though I didn't think so at the time.
I guess it kinda cemented in my mind then, that he was a bully, someone to be avoided.
Mostly because I'm the sort of person where I was like "He hurt me, so I don't want to be near him and get hurt again."

But yah, from that point forward, the name Brady...can conjure up that image. Not quite the Elementary kid, as I've known other Brady's after that point, easy going fellows, still popular with the girls, nice....

In any case. It's made me think this morning.
If Brady makes me think of a kid who has the potential to be a bully.
What other people in my life have influenced how I view a name and the personality behind it?

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I may have stumbled onto something.
An idea may stay in my thoughts, distracting me from what I actually want to work on,
But then, once I write it down,
the Idea goes silent,
and I'm able to take my attention back to the story at hand.

Hmmm I may need to try this more often to see if it actually works, or if its a one time thing...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Word Mash

Sometimes it's fun to mash words together to create a new word.
Really, I'm considering doing that in my books.

As in some cases they're fun to say.
like Stephen Amell came up with the word "Sinceriously"
(Sincere and Seriously)
And it's caught fire in the Arrow fan world.

Then today, someone in Sunday School said
(Inspiration and Information)
And again I thought it was cool.

Basically, creating your  own words is awesome!
I need to do so more frequently. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi