Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Apparently, this blog demands to have an explanation for why it's here and why it's been created before an actual first post can be posted with the theme in mind.
Well...it all started one night, after a date, where things weren't quite...connecting. And the thought came to mind. "What if there was a blog where advice was given about....dating?"

Now...this blog would by no means be perfect. It is biased in opinion on what to do and not do.
So....as a suggestion. Take what is said here like you take a grain of salt. Gingerly. This is just one opinion. It won't apply to every person or every dating situation.

Therefore; Here comes the blog, with some second thoughts, that should(maybeifyouwanttodoso) happen before that upcoming date. :)

Just as a fair warning, this blog probably will only be updated a couple of times a week. Soo don't expect something every day.

If you're looking for an everyday blog... www.thedogstarinquirer.blogspot.com is a great first blog, that this second thoughts blog takes after and hopefully will become just as awesome as the predecessor. ;)

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