Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Wrong Side of the Marathon.

My day started out normally enough.
Heading out to work.

But. I encountered a problem.
A Blockade.
I couldn't get onto Avenue.

There was a marathon going on.
And the police had blocked off the Avenue so the runners could run without getting runned over.
But that left me with a problem.
How to get to work.
For it was on the west side of town, and I was stuck on the east side of Avenue. :S

I turned to the right and took a parallel route. Hoping to find an open road across the street.
But at every street, I looked down, I was confronted with this sight.
Blockades and runners.

And then...
A dead end.
(The jelly beans are cars)

So I had to back track.
And...time was ticking by.
I had another route in mind.
Going on back roads, I made my way to  Parkway, which intersects Avenue.
And found.

more runners. >.< Bleh.
NO GO! And this was a busy road they had blocked off!
So turning right again.
I continued along the mountains.
And finding no routes.
All I saw was this sign
Great! Finally some sort of detour sign! I can get across soon.
Three times I passed this sign.
And then realized. the other direction.
I was in the high 2000s North!
I would never reach South going the way I was going.

And...I was already late to work. I'd been driving for 20 minutes.

If I went back to 300 South...I would have to go back 20 minutes.
And I couldn't guarantee that I would actually get across. For all I knew I'd find this sight when I got there.
And then I would either have to turn around and return 20 minutes back to my starting point...
or just keep going.
I decided to keep going.
I mean there can't only be ONE way across.
How unfair would it be to be on the north side of town, and have your work be on the north side of town, but you'd have to drive all the way to the south side of town before you could cross the street!
No. There had to be more then one place to cross.

And then I encountered this:
I was barred again! BY CONSTRUCTION! By this point I'd almost reached the nearby Canyon.
Luckily there was a police officer there who directed me to turn Left.
Now where I was going?

To another blockade.
The cops there were LETTING People ACROSS!


I drove like a crazy person -as crazy as you can when the cops are standing right there.-
And screeched into work.
25 minutes late.
35 minutes AFTER I set out to GET to work.
It's like a 10 minute drive. And I tripled the time it took me to get there.

Moral of the story.
If there is a marathon.
There should be more DETOUR signs! That way I can find my way quicker.
Who knows how long I would have been driving otherwise.

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