Monday, May 19, 2014

Double Pov

Okay, so while I don't mind having a book with multiple different viewpoints.
I really don't like books that have viewpoints that suddenly shift in the middle of a chapter, with no warning.
One paragraph it's one perspective,
and then suddenly the next line, it's totally from another character's perspective.

Talk about confusing.

...and irritating.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Writing Gap

I've noticed a bad trend in my writing, one that I haven't quite figured out how to stop, but I'm anxious to attempt to.

You see,
Every now and then, I have a really good writing day.
Like, words just flow onto the page without too much head banging on the nearest hard object.

But then.
For the next two to five days afterwards,
I get 'busy'
Sick, Working too much, Tired, Headachey, Hanging out with friends,
Name it how it is.
I basically don't have 'time' to write.

And then, when I finally have time to write again....
My mind has discovered a totally different story idea that needs to be explored.....

and the cycle starts over again.

Seriously. I need to learn to stick to one story.
Actually, I need to learn to stick to one story and keep myself interested in it.
Because if I'm not interested....why write it? Right?
But that's the mindset.
Another thing that needs to change. >.>

*deep breath*
Let's try this writing thing again.


-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Inspired Interview.

Sooo I read this book a little bit ago.
Found it to be amazing, awesome, inspiring in all get out to make me want to write!

And when I finished, I was like. "I want to know more!!"
"I want to ask her sooo many questions!"

And then I realized most of my questions involved me wanting the Author to ask me questions about how much I love the book and questions about why I liked the characters I did, and scenes I did and such...

So I oh so sneakily did a post about it on twitter.....

And here's what happened.

I got interviewed! :D

So check out this link:

To see a backwards interview where Author Danielle Shipley asked me questions about her book, Inspired and what I thought. ^^
It was fun!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Gap Inspiration

On a whim last night, I decided to look up some Arches -you know, the red rock kind.
I was mostly doing this because I'm heading down into Red Rock country soon, and I wanted to find something 'new' that I hadn't been to yet. Really, a new arch. One that would be easy to get to. Without too much effort, four willing, or super long hiking involved.
One thing lead to another,
And during my google searching, I encountered an arch called Gemini Arch.
Soo two arches. As it's two arches side by side.

Though apparently it's not that easy to get down to this angle to see it.
Most of the time you see it from above.

Like that.
Yah....Not that impressive.
Though I'm sure staring down between them to the hundred feet or so below might give you a nice rush of vertigo.

And then during my 'research',
I came across info...that people had died at this arch.
One, from trying to drive his jeep across it. :S
The rest...from trying to jump the gap.
As the gap isn't that wide. 6ish feet or so from what I can gather.
So....people try and jump it.

Really, I don't know why they would.
It's only a 100 foot drop to the bottom if you MISS. :S

And for some reason...this knowledge, that someone had died at an arch.
Gave me a rush of paranoia.

Not that I would jump the gap. O.o
But, knowing that I could go there, that there is a danger, that the red rocks can cause harm....

Yah. It's one of those irrational fears really. I mean, I wouldn't ever do that, I'm not that type of person.

...Still, it makes me a bit dry in the mouth, my limbs trembling at the thought...
Idk. Something about it just struck a cord with me.

I moved away from the knowledge that some people have died at arches, and continued my search for other arches I could possibly go to.

But something was niggling at the back of my head.

What if.
What if.
What if.

That boy who fell to his death jumping the gap.
What were his final thoughts? How did he land? Was death instantaneous? Why did he do it in the first place?
He'd been about to embark on a new sort of adventure, becoming a leader, instead of a follower. So much potential. Gone.

What if.
What if.
What if.

And somehow, while I was obsessing over my arches.
A story idea niggled in the back of my head.

A boy jumped the gap. He fell to his death.
What if....well he probably couldn't survive. But what if something else happened to save him? To bring him back?

*shrugs* I don't know.
I was going to just let it go, fade away.

But it wasn't letting go of me.

In the recesses of my mind...I wanted to create a tribute to these people who had died.
Give them a book where in the story, somehow, they survive.

Ideas kept coming, lines to dialogue flowed in my mind.
I kept tossing and turning unable to sleep.
So, I actually gave into my desires, and wrote for a little bit.
Long enough to sate my need to put the story down.

I probably would have stayed up later, but I was super conscious of an early morning wake up for work in a few hours, and I'd already stayed up 'too late' researching arches. Writing would give me even less sleep, but if I wasn't sleeping by tossing and turning...might as well write right? Just a tiny bit as I needed to get some sleep if I was going to get anything done...or you know, wake up for my shift.

That doesn't mean that once I wrote stuff down that I fell asleep like a baby.
No, it wasn't that restful. Ideas still churned.
But at least I'd satisfied it enough that my mind wasn't working at a frenzied pace.
And lucky me, even with little sleep, I managed to be productive at work....
Even with my mind churning trying to figure out concepts, ideas, plots, names for this story in the meantime.

Isn't it interesting where and when inspiration hits us? continue writing!!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Which Character?

I had a dream where I had three characters who needed to be organized from 'Main Character 1" to "Main Character 3" As 1 would be more 'vocal' than 3 would be. More present in the 'story.'
Surprisingly enough, the fight in the dream wasn't for who would get the first spot, but who would get the 3rd spot.
It was more of a 'no, you can have spot one," "No you can." "No I insist."

Finally a girl character spoke up. "Guess I'll be Character 1." She said with an offhand air. And in that brief sentence I was like "ooo She's a determined character." The 'no nonsenseness to her' the 'I don't see why you guys are bickering over the last spot. But I'll take first.'

It was cool.

But the 3rd spot also let me see, that side characters can be important to.
Not all the drama has to be from the MC.
Side characters can have their own plot lines going as well that help to build the MC's main plot. Enrich it. Make it more interesting to read.

Hopefully I'll do better at my SC in the future. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, May 2, 2014

Your Age?

So I have a character that's been hiding their actual age from everyone else in the book.
Mostly because the topic never really comes up.
As everyone assumes that they are a certain age.
-Differing ages for sure from everyone who knows them.

But when I finally got around to having one of the character's ask this one the question...

Their response was:

"Older then I look, younger then you think."

Which isn't a totally helpful answer for the story.
But definitely in character with this particular character. lol

-Sarnic Dirchi