Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Hamster Problem

I don't have the full story for this.

But earlier today, a customer came into the store with a bunch of hamster products.
Cages, food, houses, etc. 
Basically a whole start up on getting a hamster.
But I think...maybe it was two kits?

In any case.
They were returning everything. 

-I kinda figured it was a) a joke gone wrong b) their hamster died and they didn't want to try again or c) some other situation where they ended up not wanting the hamster.

Apparently everything was in 'unsellable' condition aka -dirty/not cleaned.
So we returned a bunch of product we couldn't resell. *exhales*

And I think the customer took their refund and....left?
Maybe bought things?
But like. I don't know it wasn't that big of a deal. 


Some time later. (not sure if it was minutes or hours) 
The customer came back in. (if they'd even left at all)

To complain...

I'm not sure fully.
But apparently they hadn't gotten the 'correct' refund? 
I guess they got back less than what they'd paid for?

*shakes head*

Not sure.

But this customer kept up a running series of complaints as the Manager took over the return process to help get the right amount of money back.

(I think)

But the process was taking a while.
I feel like a good twenty minutes went by.

Not helped at all by the fact that I saw the customer walk away to point at something or grab something and then come back....

At one point they even wanted the manager to return a gift card? 
Like...we don't do that.
We don't return gift cards. 
*shakes head*

But apparently....

From what my coworker tells me.

The customer had bought a ton of hamster stuff with the intention to breed the hamsters.

-Which I do wonder if they bought two hamsters from our store because like....breeding would be impossible then because we only sell males. *shakes head*

But in any case.

The customer wanted to breed the hamsters.

And then sell them back to us for a profit.

Which is a cool idea in concept.

Only it doesn't work because we don't accept animals unless it's from specific breeders that we go through.

So we wouldn't be able to take any hamsters from this customer. 

In any case.
The customer kept up like a running commentary the entire time.
I couldn't hear what they were saying.
But like I could hear their voice constantly talking for forever really.

*shakes head*

And it was just...such a weird situation.

So weird. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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