Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Should Stay Quiet

I should never, ever, ever tell people what I'm working on story wise.

Because they'll inevitably ask "So how is such and such story going?"

And I will inevitably have to answer. "It's not...I got distracted by a different story."

As it is sooo sooo very true.

Because I've noticed, that I may be enthusiastically working on something.
But once I tell someone I'm working on it.
I end up switching to a different story line soon after. 
Sometimes multiple story lines, before again settling on one.

Really, I think it may be the fear of 'expectation' that sends me running for the hills.
If I'm not working on it...they can't judge it right?

Totally crazy I know. But it's how it goes apparently.

So perhaps...I need to work on a secret project. >.>
And not let anyone know what it is, until it's done.
But in the meantime when people ask me what I'm working on, I can just mention one of the other half dozen ideas that pop into my head throughout the day. All the while keeping my true project hidden out of sight.

Ha. Of course, if said people read this blog post, then this plan is totally null and void and they'll ask "How is the secret project going?"
But how will they know? I could tell them my actual project and they won't know it's my actual one because they think it's just one of those 'side ones.'

Ow...I'll stop now before I start thinking in circles.

But really.
I'm not working on a secret project.
Really...I'm not.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Do These Really Belong In The Same Story?

What do a Beta Fish and a Human-esk Monster have in common?

No idea. But my mind seems to think they should have a connection somewhere.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Early Morning Work

That annoying moment when you finally are awake and feel like writing....only to have the responsible side of you realize that you need to get some sleep to be coherent for work in the morning. >.< Grrr. One of these days responsible self. You will not be there and I will write!!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Word Got Around

My notebook is famous.

The one that my manager told me to get, and I got from Kikay?
Yah. Famous.

You see, the next day after getting my notebook, I whipped it out in order to give Reth a message I'd written down in it.

I hadn't thought much of it.
She didn't mention anything more about the notebook.
And the next day. I had the day off.

But when I came into work this morning. At our morning meeting, May -our head manager- said: "Sarnic, I want to see this notebook of yours. Reth was telling me all about it."

Then, another coworker also chimed in "Yes, was telling me about it too."

Apparently, Reth really liked the design of the notebook I chose. And the other two agreed. It was a cool little notebook with a cool design.

Sweet. Approval of the notebook. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yum Chicken Sandwich

Girl: I can't be a werewolf! I'm a vegetarian.
Boy Laughs: Not anymore.

The random thoughts that come to mind when one is picking up fast food.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Pocket Notebook

So my manager came up to me at work today and said "Sarnic, I want you to start carrying around a piece of paper or a small notebook in your pocket, so that when I tell you to do something, you can write it down. Then when you're done with the task you can cross it off, and you still know what tasks you need to do."

Me Outloud: "Okay, Reth. Sounds good."
Me Thinking: That's a really bad idea. Why? I'm a writer. Writer + notebook with pen = not doing my tasks.
Me Plotting: But. If I write everything down in my code language then she won't know which lines involve the 'tasks' she's given me and which ones are ideas for stories. YES! She'll just think I'm writing down things I need to do. *cackles*

Oh, yes, We'll have to see how this turns out. ;)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, January 12, 2014

From A Movie

As a writer, I get inspiration for stories from many places. As I guess, other writers do as well. lol

But it's kinda funny to go back to the thing that inspired you. Like a movie.
And realize.
Wow. I got that idea from this, and that idea from this and that... wow, this movie really inspired me to write multiple plot lines! No wonder I love it!

Such a fun feeling. ^^ Kinda nostalgic in a way.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, January 10, 2014

Truly Changed

It's rather heart warming to find out that your character has truly changed from their beginning state.

How did I find this out?
I went back and reread their introductory scenes.

And there they were in the back of my head: flinching. wincing, cringing and any other variation of that theme.
lol I think at one point this character tried to cover my eyes.
Or at least convince me more than once to close out the word document and never look at it again.

Yes. Yes, it's good to see that they've truly changed their ways.

Unfortunately...I was planning to work on that beginning section. Expand it out if you will.
And here they are. Being difficult.

I feel like if I tried to convince said character to go back to the beginning of the story...it will be like the good guy, pretending to be a bad guy, and totally flubbing it.

Ah well, I'll figure something out.
It will probably take a lot of coxing and bribing on my part.

Here it goes!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Actor Inspiration

Have you ever been watching a movie.
Basically blink.
And think.

I had that. :)

While I was watching The Proposal.

I had the thought that Ryan Reynolds would be a good actor to play one of my characters in a Forest Story I'm working on.

I don't think I'll be able to look at him the same way again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, January 3, 2014

Who's Faster?

Sometimes, being a Writer is difficult.
Because I want to be somewhat accurate in what I put down on the page.
But there are times when Google....doesn't have an answer I'm seeking.

Last night I had a question, and google...failed to answer it.

What was the question?
I really wanted to know if a hamster would be faster then a human.

I mean, logically I know the human is faster. We are like 40 times bigger, We can cover way more distance.

But what if they were the same size?
Who would be faster then?
The human still?
Or would the hamster have the advantage?

Four legs, or two. Who would win?
Does the size matter?
I mean, if the human were hamster sized...who would win?
What if the hamster were human sized...would the same one win or no?

All I could figure out is that the fastest a hamster could run would be around 7mph, but not for long.
While a human -normal, not an Olympian- could possibly top off around 15mph.

But would that speed stay the same or change depending on the size?
That's what I need to know.
I mean, if you shrink down a human they wouldn't weigh over 100lbs So would they be able to go faster?
And if you increase a hamster to human size, they would no longer way like 2oz. So would they be slower? ...or would the advantage of running on four legs mean that because the hamster is bigger he'll be able to cover more distance in a shorter period of time and therefore would be faster?

See why I need google? I want this question answered! It's driving me crazy.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It Glows!

I really want a character that glows in the dark.
Like...design wise.
Turn out the lights and WHAM a series of patterns show up on the person's skin.

Yah. That would be cool.

-Sarnic Dirchi