Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Should Stay Quiet

I should never, ever, ever tell people what I'm working on story wise.

Because they'll inevitably ask "So how is such and such story going?"

And I will inevitably have to answer. "It's not...I got distracted by a different story."

As it is sooo sooo very true.

Because I've noticed, that I may be enthusiastically working on something.
But once I tell someone I'm working on it.
I end up switching to a different story line soon after. 
Sometimes multiple story lines, before again settling on one.

Really, I think it may be the fear of 'expectation' that sends me running for the hills.
If I'm not working on it...they can't judge it right?

Totally crazy I know. But it's how it goes apparently.

So perhaps...I need to work on a secret project. >.>
And not let anyone know what it is, until it's done.
But in the meantime when people ask me what I'm working on, I can just mention one of the other half dozen ideas that pop into my head throughout the day. All the while keeping my true project hidden out of sight.

Ha. Of course, if said people read this blog post, then this plan is totally null and void and they'll ask "How is the secret project going?"
But how will they know? I could tell them my actual project and they won't know it's my actual one because they think it's just one of those 'side ones.'

Ow...I'll stop now before I start thinking in circles.

But really.
I'm not working on a secret project.
Really...I'm not.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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