Saturday, February 8, 2014


I get random ideas for stories from the most random places.

The most recent inspiration.

Walking out of a fast food place, I happened to witness an SUV honking long and crazy and constantly at a car that apparently was going slow in front of them. It looked like the car had been slowing down to turn? But hadn't signaled or moved over fast enough for the SUV's liking.

This is all conjecture though because it was a quick thing. Maybe something had happened at the light, maybe the cars knew each other,

But the main point is.

The thought that came into mind was something along the lines of.

"If you died, and you were doomed to make the last sound you made over and over and over..."

That guy for sure would be doomed to be annoying by making the sound of a car horn.

Yah. It was a random thought. Good things about random thoughts, they contain a little random nugget that actually is good inspiration for an actual story idea. ;) No matter how convoluted the beginning.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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