Monday, June 2, 2014

Book Covers

So, there I was, with my Sister at a book store.
Our amazing Grandmother had given us each Giftcards for there
And we were anxious to spend them on books!!! :D

Anxiously we ran down the aisles searching desperately for the one, maybe two, books that we would soon call our own.
( we acted like the adults we were and walked and didn't make a scene...but where's the fun in that?)

And so, we came to the young adult section.
AKA: The Fantasy Stories!

We glanced through them, picked up a few titles, read the flaps, and weren't really finding anything that we desperately needed to curl up with and forget the world for a couple of hours.

Until I stumbled upon this series of fairy tale collections.

Usually, I don't pay much attention to them, but my sister has been on a fairy tale kick for the past little while and so, I noticed them for her.
That didn't stop me from picking them up to read the plot blurb of each one to see how the author had made it different from the usual fairy tale.

It was only when I had picked up all the books in that series, and put them back....
That I realized.
I hadn't looked at the cover of the books.
At all.

No, I pulled it out of the shelf, turned it to the back cover to read the blurb, and put it back.
Not once turning it to see the covers.
And probably wouldn't have realized I did such a thing until I noticed that Kikay was holding one of the books, and the cover looked really cool!

Thinking back.
I think I do this a lot.
I mean, if the book is out cover first on the shelf, easily viewable, I grab a book based on that.
But if I can only see the spine, I judge by the title, and then turn it so that I can read the plot blurb. If it's hard back I still get to see the cover, but paperback? Nope. Straight to the back of the book and no clue what the front of it looks like. O.o

No wonder I struggle to remember covers, author names, and/or titles of the books.
...I look for interesting plots instead. If it doesn't have that...I don't read it.
*shakes head*
I may need to change that,
because really there are some totally 'worthy to hang on my wall' covers of books out there that I may be missing just because I don't take two extra seconds to look at it.
Note to self: Look at front of book too, just for fun. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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