Sunday, June 1, 2014

Drama And A Blank Mind

So there I was in Church.
Paying no attention to what was going on whatsoever in favor of working on plotlines/concepts/ideas/characters of a particular story I was working on at the moment.

It didn't meant that I totally tuned out. I could tell you the subject and some of the things that were said, but I wasn't strictly paying attention to the lessons.

But then this one line, I happened to catch. It was a quote focused on why we may not feel the Spirit at points in our lives, but it really could apply to writing as well.

I have no idea who said it but it went like this:

"If we are worried or upset in our feelings, the inspiration does not come."

That hit home for me, because really. It's so true.

I mean, I can have this total creative spurt going on, words flowing from the page, ideas tumbling about in my head, everything is ready to be put down.
And then something happens.
Creativity. Gone.
Flowing. Stopped.
Nothing is happening.

And it's sooo frustrating! Especially when you finally have time to work on those ideas that have been running through your head all day.

I had that experience earlier this week.

There was a bit of an accident at my work, where I ended up getting bit by a monitor lizard.
Lots of drama. Lots of worry. And lots of waiting at the doctor's office to get it checked out and make sure I wasn't going to get an infection or anything.

Seriously. Lots of waiting.
Like two hours of waiting.
Which I was like "Hey! I'm stuck here, how about I start writing!"
I pulled out my handy dandy notebook and.....

My mind literally had gone blank.
At least in the sense that nothing sounded good for me to write.
I couldn't think of any of the scenes I was working on,
Couldn't generate new ideas.

Two hours of enforced writing time and badum. I'm blocked. >.<

Sooo frustrating!

But hearing that quote,
it clicked for me.

Because I was worried. Worried about the bite, about my coworkers, about paperwork, other things.
I was upset. That there was a hassle with the paperwork, that the doctor took so long to see me.

And therefore since it was a 'fresh incident' that was basically causing me stress....

My body was probably still in the 'we need to survive this' mode.
And not the "Oh hey, downtime, let's get creative!" mode.

*shakes head*
Ah well.
I know a good cure for that.
Reading a book.
:) That sparks the imagination back to life. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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