Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fresh Canvas

I bought a new notebook today.
-the paper kind, not the computer kind.

I didn't really need to buy a new one.....
I have at least a half dozen I still use that aren't filled yet.

But there was something about staring at the 'fresh canvas'
Not yet marked.
Not yet with a purpose.
Not yet with a theme.

That. I craved.

All my other notebooks have purposes. Specifics. Limitations to what I can put into which.
Usually they fall into two categories.
1) notebook focuses on a single story
2) notebook is on a 'current story' I don't want to interrupt by introducing other story concepts.

And with these limitations...it may be that my creativity wasn't being fully expressed.

Still, I tamped down on the urge to buy another notebook when I had plenty I hadn't even filled halfway yet.

Then, though....as I was browsing through the books, a title caught my eye.
"Since You've Been Gone."
And something sparked there. A brief story idea. Lines that I wanted to write down.
...and my current notebooks were stuck in "category 2."
But I wanted to write it down.

So, I bought the notebook.
To feverishly scribble down the paragraph that had been running through my mind, in my car.

And now.
It has a new purpose.

It's to write down my brief ideas.
This notebook will be to jot down ideas that come to me through various means.
It's a 'transient' notebook. Not meant to be used to write down long story ideas all at once, but to jump back and forth with quick notes, short scenes, inspirations, and possible ideas.

And this time...I'm being a little bit more detailed.
Numbering each idea.
Numbering the page.
Writing the date.
Writing down what/where I got the inspiration.

So that if any of them become famous books, I can come back to this little notebook 
and tell the people exactly where/when I got the idea. :)

Also, to be on the safe side.
In case another idea hits me and I'm in a bind...
I got a second notebook as well. With no purpose yet, but waiting and ready to be used. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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