Saturday, July 12, 2014


One of the more annoying things about writing characters....
Is when a scene comes up, and I realize....that I have to decide their handedness.

Is this a character a lefty?
or a righty?

For most, it probably wouldn't be a difficult decision. Right handed. Because, after all, most of the world is right handed.

But for me. It's different.
Because I'm a lefty.
So almost automatically, my characters become left handed as well, because that's how I picture things. It's what I'm used to.

It probably wouldn't be a problem, really.
But I do make the effort to try and branch and have some right handed characters.

Sometimes it's not that difficult of a decision, because some character's that come to mind, come to mind already right handed. It's a strong stamp to their personality. "I'm Right Handed!"
*Salutes* Okay!

But others....
When I image scenes.
I don't always pay attention to what hand they're using.
And so...sometimes they're left handed, sometimes they're right, as I imagine different scenarios.

At least for my current story and current main character.
The handedness was rather easy. He's a Righty.

No, for this current character it's a 'which foot is my dominate foot.' sort of problem.
You'd think that would be Right.
But he keeps thinking Left.
And I'm like. O.o That can't work!
Of course it can, but it's one of those quirks, that I'm not sure I like yet.

For you see, this particular character has a broken leg. So his foot is in a cast.
But which foot?
It keeps switching.
At first I had it as the right foot.
But then I keep imagining it on the left.

Ah, the joys of being a writer. ;)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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