Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Write Spot

Do writers search for the perfect place to write in?
Or am I the only one who does that?

Really, I feel like I'm on a hunt.
Searching for the perfect nook, where ideas can fly, my fingers can type, and words can finally be written on a page.
Is it a particular chair?
Do I need particular music?
Do I need something on tv?
Do I need to sit on the floor?
Is this room better than that room?
Surely this place will be perfect!

That sort of thing?

In any case.
I do feel the need for that.
A need to find a space that I could officially call a writing corner and write in. Happily, no distractions, nothing to pull me away from the story.
A spot where I feel like I can just relax, and write, without having to worry about anything else.

I may have found it today.'s not nearby.

You see, my parentals have been doing a bit of a fix-it-up around the house the past week or so, which happened to involve a patio getting a roof.
Said patio hasn't had a roof since I was in elementary school it feels like. It actually collapsed one winter after a rather heavy snow fall. (It was an old roof, and not as well made as it could have been.)
And it, at that time, was much easier to tear the whole thing down -since it was rather unstable- than to try and shore it back up and make it work, or replace it.

Which meant an end to spending time back there as kids for family parties and such.

But this year, the parents (particularly my mom.) decided to fix that.
And so, they hired some people to build a roof for the patio.

And today, for the first, time, I was able to hang out on said patio with a nice well built roof over my head. ^^;;

It's still a work in progress. Like we don't have furniture out there yet,
But really. It has a lot of potential now.
Chairs for family gatherings.
Shelter from the weather.

It peaceful.
Especially since it began to rain.
And there I was outside.
And the rain wasn't hitting me.
I could listen to the pitter-patter on the roof, above me, while staying nice and dry.

And I had this thought.
If I had a nice lounging chair to sit in. A place where I could comfortably sit and put my feet up out here.
This...this could be perfect.
I could enjoy the weather, be outside, but still find it pleasant to write outside in.
As really, that's where I crave to go when I write. An outside spot. Some place where I can hear nature.
But then weather, a lack of a good seat and the general brightness of the sun on white pages and computer screens...makes that difficult.

The Patio however....that could work.
This could work.
Once the furniture is out there, I will have to try this idea out and see if it actually works.....

And then a mosquito bit me. >.<
But really, I want to give this a try, see if the patio could be a good writing nook for when I go home to visit the parents. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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