Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Need. More. Shows.

Sometimes it's rather scary when you realize how much things from your childhood can influence your writing.

I'm not talking about memories, and things that have happened to yourself. (though that can also apply to a writer)
But instead, about TV shows you've seen, books you've read.

It's crazy.

I've been rewatching one of my favorite TV series from when I was younger, Danny Phantom.

And I've realized that a lot of different aspects of this show....
Can be found in some of my different stories. Old and new.

Of course these aspects could be used in multiple different settings. You know...stereotypes, tropes...etc.

But I do have to wonder.
Was this 'idea' I had, just a memory of this one scene from that one episode of Danny Phantom?
Or...did it just so happen that I came up with a similar concept?

Who knows.

But I do know, that old TV shows can certainly be a source of inspiration! :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

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