Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Last Minute Shopping

 I will never understand customers that decide to go shopping at the last minute.

Take tonight.

I had customers right at 9pm when we closed asking me questions.

Two guys were wanting to know if we had another specific dog bed in stock as the one they found appeared to be stained.

I told them we didn't.

So they then wanted to know if they could get a discount on the bed because it was stained.

Which I said they could get 20% off.

But they were like "What is the stain?"

Like dude....I don't know. It's a brown stain. More than likely it's dirt. Who knows. It may not even be a stain at all. Just buy the thing and get out of my store we're closed. 

But nooo they then wanted to know if there was a specific dog food that I would recommend for their dog. 

And at the same time another customer needed help at the dog collars....right at close....wanting to know if there was a specific bark collar that worked better than another.


Like...how do people live like that?

Trying to shop right before a store closes?

Keeping the workers working after the store closes?

I don't get it.

I never will.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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