Friday, June 4, 2021

Something Wrong

 So the other day I had a customer come into the store with a couple of dead fish.

And in typical customer fashion, they wanted to know 'why' the fish had died.

So I asked about their tank and such, trying to see if there were any notable things mentioned that could cause fish to die. 

And the customer told me that they originally had the glofish in like a large 36 gallon tank. 

But because they had goldfish in the tank....the associate who helped them said that the fish should be in a different tank.

Which was...technically true.

Goldfish are a cold water fish. 
Glofish are a warm water fish.

Goldfish get 10 inches at least.
Glofish stay around 3 inches.

But at the same time....the rules aren't as applicable to bigger tanks as they are to smaller tanks. 

Goldfish are fine being in tanks that are heated. And if there's only one or two in the tank in a 36 gallon...then other fish can be fine with them for a while...until they get larger.

But the associate helping this customer said that the glofish should go in a different tank so the customer bought a different tank. A glofish specific one with the blue lights and everything and they set up the tank for the glofish...moved them in....and then the fish all died. 

It could be the transfer to the new tank. 

But it was only 3 fish in a 10 gallon tank. That's not a bad amount of fish to have.

But it did turn out that the tank didn't have a heater in it. So the cold water may have been the cause of the glofish dying.

So the customer bought a heater and a couple of new glofish.

Though I did suggest that they could just put the glofish back in the bigger tank with the goldfish.

As there were other fish besides the goldfish in the tank. A shark. Some other tetras and such. So the glofish would have been fine. Especially because that tank had a heater already.

But the customer wanted to try again in this smaller tank. So I caught them a couple more glofish to try and see if they did well.

And like the glotetras tend to be hardier than the other glofish. So I wasn't too concerned. 

But the customer came back today with the two fish. Dead. 

Apparently they died within two hours of being put into the new tank. 



If the fish died that sounds like it could be a chemical issue. Like the customer put in too much water conditioner. 

As the heater was that shouldn't be on the fritz....and unless the water changed temperature overtreated tank was the only thing I could think of as a cause...but the customer denied that that was the case. *exhales*

*shakes head*

I'm not sure what's going on with it but I suggested that the customer just get their money back today and wait a bit and let the tank cycle and see how it went from there....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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