Monday, April 29, 2019

Count Them Out

Had a slightly crazy customer come into the store today with a container of waxworms that she had bought.

Which said containers usually have at least 50 waxworms in them, but I know they usually put in a few more to account for some dying.

But the woman was waving the container in my face stating that there had only been 45 in her container because like....5 of them had died.

So she wanted me to count out a new container of fifty for her. *exhales*

-At the same point the manager stated over the radio that she had "counted out 50 for her in that container" before....

In any case I told the customer there's usually more than 50 in the which she adamantly refused that there were.
So I dumped the new container out onto the podium, and counted out the waxworms while the lady watched like a hawk.

I got to 48...and there were still like 5 or so other ones in the pile of sawdust, but I couldn't tell if they would be considered 'alive' so to appease the crazy lady, I went and grabbed a different container of waxworms and pulled out two healthy ones and placed them inside so she would have fifty.

Of course, miss hawk eyed lady missed the fact that I had put in 2 at the same time and though I only had 49.
To which I corrected her.

But then she was like "What about my five that died?!" 

So I pulled out five -because I was sick of her already- and placed them in the container.
-She thought I only put in 2 more because I grabbed 3 and then 2 at a time.

Corrected her again.
Handed her the container.

And sent her on her merry way.

Though apparently she's been a repeat hassle to the manager who counted them out to her last time....
As the manager was complaining about her to me after she left.

*shakes head*

Crazy lady expects the bugs to all be alive for the entire time she's using them...
Like she has to understand that those creatures die.

So I told the manager that if she comes in again, to let her know that the 50 had been alive when she left the store, and therefore we have no control over how long they last after that point.

Because seriously we don't.

And honestly. Why would you waste time counting waxworms anyways? 
I had another customer in a few months ago that was the same way.
And like seriously?

I get wanting to get your money's worth. But a handful of dead waxworms isn't something to come storming back into the store about. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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