Thursday, November 21, 2013

A New Introduction

I read somewhere a while back,
That writers should never have more then one blog.
Because one ends up falling by the wayside.
And I had to say, that was true for me.
Out of three blogs.
I only post on one frequently.
The other one is...hit and miss...mostly due to a writer's block...and lack of writing time.
And my third one... was this one. And I hadn't posted in it since July.
Because this blog was trying to be a cartoon blog.
I originally created it with the idea that I would make cartoons that over exaggerated dates that I had been on...but then I realized...I don't go on many dates.
So I thought I could do things I heard from other people....
Then maybe cartoons about random funny things happening....
Well, it all basically boiled down to...
I neglected this blog.
(and I'm frustrated with myself for that because I didn't want to be one of those 'post a couple of times then never post again sort of people' when I decided to start a second blog.)
Yet I did.
It's all because I've realized...
I seriously have no patience for drawing.
I can do it.
I'm great at doodling.
But my mind is way more creative in it's mental pictures, then what my hand can actually create.
And that gets frustrating.
Plus, every time I draw I can't help but think:

Writing should win every time.
It doesn't.
Something called:

Gets me easily distracted.

So on a spur of the moment 'I can't sleep because this idea has me sooo excited' sort of thing...
I revamped this blog,
To make it not a cartoon blog....though I will probably include both hand drawn pictures (first picture) and pictures taken from the internet (the rest of the pictures in this blog) on occasion.
But a writer's blog instead.
One that will most likely not have posts everyday,
but hopefully will post more frequently then....well almost never.
A blog where I can just vent my frustrations, discoveries, processes, and excitement over the whole 'I'm going to write a book!' thing. :)
We'll see how this goes!
Fingers crossed.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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