Monday, November 25, 2013


Blood has been on my mind today....mostly because I got the most random bloody nose last night.
And where I'm thinking of blood...vampires usually comes to mind.
And I wondered....
It's thought that I got my bloody nose because there wasn't enough iron in my body.
So today, to help that out, I ate like three tacos.
And a bit after I ate that last one...I ended up with like a major headache.
...I don't know if I over did it on getting the red meat into my body, and my body reacted.
or it could be many other reasons.
In any case.
I wondered....
If a vampire wasn't able to have blood for a looong period of time,
and then they finally get some.
How would they react?
Would they be able to get headaches? Or would it be like a sugar rush to them? But would it be a bad sugar rush -feel sick/headaches. Or a good sugar rush -where all their senses are heightened to like an '11' on the 1-10 scale. So they feel energy, can see/smell/hear better, move faster....
Would the quality of blood affect their experience?

I could go on and on with questions. Really I could.
It's just something to consider really.

If I wrote a vampire would I make it different from all the other vampire books flooding the market?
This...may be one way, methinks.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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