Thursday, November 21, 2013



Intimidates me.
Just staring at the blank screen.
With it waiting for me to put words on it....
I'm like

And take shelter in doing other things...
Like checking facebook,
seeing if other people have posted on their blogs,
surfing the internet,
watching tv.
Creating new playlists in my iTunes account,
playing app games on my Ipod
and...going to grab ice cream (I literally just did this one.)
Anything really to avoid having to face that blank screen.
And you know what's super annoying?
That moment,
When I finally gather up the courage to face that screen.
To put words down...
I end up having to go out somewhere,
or...I have to go to bed....because I'm responsible like that, and I'm not quite willing to go to work it's a tiring job in of itself.
So where does that get me?
I mean, even working on writing this post has taken me a while.
Do I ever get anything down?
I do.
With this:
Yep. I went old school.
And it's really working for me.
I mean...I've got like 5 different notebooks in my bag, just so that I can write down whatever ideas hit me.
And I think it's because...pen and paper...doesn't feel as official.
Word document -official.
Pen and Paper -not official.
With a little notebook, I feel like I can make mistakes. I can rewrite scenes. I can jot down ideas.
It makes it easier.
And puts less pressure on me to 'get it done.'
Because it's portable.
So if I ever find myself with a spare moment,
I can flip open that notebook and start writing.
No need to worry about how long it takes my laptop to start up,
making sure I saved the document,
worrying about having enough power...
It's relaxing. Really, I only need to worry about spilling liquids onto a notebook....and having my pen die on me.
But that's why I carry like 15 pens around in my bag.
So that never happens. ;) lol
*Fingers Crossed*
-Sarnic Dirchi

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