Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thinking Blahs

It should be logical...that when one is sick...one would be able to have more time to write.
After all, you're just lying there...being sick.
Surely, the mind would be able to do a lot, while the body is recovering.
But no.
The mind gets just as fogged as the rest of the body.
Unable to think.
Unable to be creative.
Just lying there, sleepily, staring at the tv.
For the processes aren't firing to write...

I dislike being sick.
It makes me even more unlikely to write stuff than when I'm well. XP

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Alone Again

Often, sad events inspire concept ideas for stories.

Like today;
A guy brought in a cat he'd adopted a couple of months ago.
Because his wife had given him an ultimatum.
It was her, or the cat.

:S Yikes.
I wish I could hear the whole story.
I mean, what brought them to this point?
Why give the cat back?
Was she being problematic? How so?

I wish they could have worked it out another way.
:( Like...watch that Cat show about problematic cats on Animal Planet.
I mean, surely...trying other things would be better then this.

It totally doesn't help that I watched Bolt last night either....
Because the cat totally looks like Mittens from it. :(
She had a home, a nice warm place to stay...
And today, she was placed back into a cold metal cell with no comforts of home, no warmth, lots of strange noises, smells...and no comfort of warm arms to snuggle into.

She's totally terrified the poor thing. :(

What if she'd had a home before this one.
Was this the second time being given back? To first? The seventh? Who knows.
But, if I were her, I'd have a hard time trusting humans.
I would be waiting...just waiting for them to leave me, to take away my home again.

*shakes head.* I hope she finds a permanent home soon. :(

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 27, 2013

Enchanted Moment

There I was, watching Enchanted.
Totally a random place to gain inspiration, but there was this one scene.
Near the end of the movie
(where if you haven't seen it and don't want to be spoiled...stop reading here.)

Where Giselle was lying unconscious and Prince Edward had just failed to awaken her, and everyone had just turned to what's his face...Robert.
That moment where it's like "And the world suddenly depends on you."
His face.
His words. "No, that's impossible, I've only known her a couple of days."

I love those moments in movies and books, even songs.
Where the hero gets his moment.
Where he decides if he wants to take a chance,
or stay with the same old same old.

Yep. Good moment that scene. One I hadn't paid attention to before, but now, is kinda stuck in my head on repeat.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Song Character Creation

Ready? :D
Have you been waiting anxiously to see what I came up with?
Well, here you go!

1st Song -Skid row
-I gotta get out of here. -down on my luck, - thief, -rich person turned poor, -person trying to hide. Not be found.

2nd Song -When Somebody Loved Me
-alone. Lost a friend –girl best friends.  -betrayal, -one finds fame and forgets the other.  –broken relationship.
3rd Song -Shadowland
-redemption –dawning morning, hope is found. -Had no choice - set to their path, doesn’t see a way to get out of it. -cast out –plans to find a way to return, regain what was lost.
4th Song -Come Little Children
-Reminds me of Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time, -Garden of Magic, -Gets a wish, but doesn’t like the results of it.
5th Song -Transformation
6th song -Tarnished Silver
-power that character gets doesn’t last. It ‘tarnishes’ with time. -wanted to leave…leave power. Comes to accept them. -fire, ashes, silver, tarnish…power with one, some or all of those? Liquid silver..molted silver?

7th Song -Let it Go
-swirling metal flecks. -hot , molten -Building something to hide, but gives up, decides to show the world, allows people to come into the built masterpiece. Shares, helps the world. -Creation ends up helping problem at hand. -Silvery wings. –Flying in the air. “Here I stand, here I stay” -Making a better world. City. Saving the city from a terror..i.e. foreign enemy, volcano exploding, other unworldly thing?  

8th Song -Brimstone and Treacle I
-O.o This is a weird song. O.o -Harsh taskmistress, taking advantage of main character. Working them beyond safe means to get results. -task mistress cause of best friend separation?

9th Song -Temper Temper
-O.o I don’t think I want to see this musical.  -Caught at last, looses control. -Think you’re wicked. Labeled. Unable to escape it. -once something is created it can’t be destroyed.

10th Song -Brimstone and Treacle II
-Disappears for 2 years. -Broken wings.  -part of redemption cycle –returns to the taskmistress
-returns with help. Doesn’t do this alone.

 Okay, from all those little concepts I got this:
While under the harsh rule of a taskmistress at a metal factory, a young character (undecided if boy or girl), gets into an industrial accident, and finds themselves with an ability to work with silver, particularly with molten silver. They have found themselves suddenly with the 'rare' ability to become part of a 'elite' club of metal workers -those who have powers with different metals. Usually reserved for those born with the ability. And currently, the character's ability with silver, is looked down upon. Why? Because Silver Tarnishes. That's bad. Metal is supposed to be perfect and if it 'tarnishes' it's not perfect. And when an accident happens, to destroy a bunch of different metalworks, the Main Character has to flee.
Later...the MC figures out how to keep the Silver from Tarnishing, surprisingly from the taskmistress that they despised, and ends up becoming a hero, when they use their ability to created a 'metal storm' of molten metal to save the city from being destroyed by.... who knows. :) 
There's my idea. :) lol, not really a character development, more of a plotline, but hey. ^^ It was fun to come up with anyway. :)  
What did you come up with? :)
-Sarnic Dirchi

A Song Character

There I was a wandering through blogs,
when I came across my friend Mirleki's recent blog post
(http://theblackhoundsdaughter.blogspot.com/) -I have no idea how to link things, tried it. Didn't work.
And she was talking about how, when at work, she can listen to music.
So she creates a playlist of songs, and then tries to come up with a character from that set of songs she listened to.

I thought this was a marvelous concept. I mean, I have a playlist of songs that remind me of different characters, but actually building a character from a series of songs? Awesome idea!
lol though at this point I really don't need to add in a new character to the many many many already in residence in my head,
I thought for fun I'd try it out. :)

Below is the lists of songs she put on her blog.
I'll post later today what I came up with myself with this series of songs. :)

Song 1: Skid Row (Little Shop of Horrors)
Song 2: When Somebody Loved me (Toy Story 2)
Song 3: Shadowland (the Broadway version of The Lion King)

Song 4: Come Little Children (Hocus Pocus)
Song 5: Transformation (Brother Bear)

Song 6: Tarnished Silver (Heather Dale)
Song 7: Let it Go (Frozen)
Song 8: Brimstone and Treacle Part I (Broadway version of Mary Poppins)
Song 9: Temper Temper (Broadway version of Mary Poppins)
Song 10: Brimstone and Treacle part II (Broadway version of Mary Poppins)
Did you come up with anything? :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 23, 2013

Alternate Story Line

So, I was watching Tangled; and I had this thought.
What if Rapunzel had actually shown Mother Gothel, that she had Flynn Rider in the closet?

What would have happened?
I'm guessing...that Flynn wouldn't have left the tower.
And Rapunzel would have gotten to go on a trip to a new tower, without seeing the lights.

:S I think the current version is happier. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Writing Blahs

I've hit a creative wall.

I had so many ideas in the works, but the umph to do them just suddenly faded.

Having gone through this before....I know I won't be able to break through it until another creative inspiration hits.

I hope it hits soon.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 16, 2013

Open Notebook

On a spur of a moment thing,
I brought out a few of my writing notebooks, and said "have at it." to some fellow writers.

And to my surprise, they actually picked up my notebooks and read them. O.o
That hasn't really happened before.
Of course, when I've done it before, there hasn't been much time for them to actually sit down and read it.
But they read it.
Not the whole notebook they picked up. But a good portion of it.
It was actually kinda fun to see them reading it.
lol though they're probably pretty bugged at my sudden abrupt shifts to different story lines. lol.

Still. It was fun.
Why not I thought.

Then I remembered.

There were some stories in those notebooks, that they really can't read yet.
Heh. Because they're currently 'in the works' -i.e. Being posted on the character blog I have.
And I didn't want them getting ahead of the story line.

Luckily, I remembered before they reached those parts of the notebook. ^^;;
So when the moment came.
I took it back into my possession. :)
No secrets yet revealed.

Yes, I definitely need to be more careful about which notebooks I say 'have at it' with next time. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 15, 2013

There Is No "Perfect" Time. Life Gets In The Way.

One of my major drawbacks to writing,
is that I often think that I need to be in the 'perfect spot/position/place' in order to actually 'write.'

That's sooo not true.
I should really realize this, I mean, if I have a notebook in hand, I can be jotting down ideas and scenes everywhere and anywhere that I can.

There doesn't need to be a 'thinking corner' or a 'writing nook' to write. You just plop down and do it.

I often think that my mind should be in a 'writing zone' as well, again, not true. If I have an idea I just need to plop down and write it.

Don't think about it. Just write.
Let the words flow.
Do it. Do it now.

*sighs* lol if only it were as 'easy' as writing this blog post was.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 9, 2013

Holiday Fix-It-Up

During the Holiday Season a lot of Christmas movies end up playing.
And there are a few of them, with the theme of 'go back in time to help your younger self.'

Apparently my brain has been pondering this sort of plot line.
As I had a dream like it last night.

Where a girl goes back in time, but she doesn't go back to help herself, originally.
She goes back to help this girl who didn't live up to her potential, and ended up marrying the most boring man on the planet and became the most boring girl ever. To the point where she didn't have any friends, or respect for herself any longer.
And the 'back in time' girl wants to fix that. She wants to fix that moment when everything 'went wrong'
And in the process, she helped to solve a feud between her family and a cute guy's family that's been going on for centuries through the help of some magic string.

Sounds like the making of a good holiday movie right?
I think so.
Or at least a good book. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Frozen Ideas

I just had like a mind explosion of ideas for an older story of mine come into being.


Because I went and saw Frozen.
And watched this scene:

It got me sooo excited!
There are sooo many ideas with snow that I hadn't ever thought off,
but now that I've seen this scene...I'm totally on a new line of thinking.
And it's awesome!


-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sweet Liquid

Sugar Water.

Somewhere. Out there.
Is a character of mine, who loves to drink the stuff.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Switch It Up

That annoying moment when you're trying to write a scene between Theodore and Jocelyn, and Theodore isn't talking to you at all.

Nothing. No ideas. Nothing that doesn't sound extremely boring and tedious.

Cue: Jocelyn.

Amazing how easy it is to write after switching the POV the story is told from.
Suddenly the ideas are bouncing off the walls.


-Sarnic Dirchi


You know the most difficult part about writing a book?

Starting it.

At the beginning.

It's particularly hard for me,
because this story, I know my characters have a history.
And that history influences everything that they do in later scenes I've already worked on.

But...I'm not sure how to write their history as present.
How do I get Theodore and Jocelyn to fall for each other, and then, decide they don't love each other?

It's so simple in theory.
But in reality. It's something different.

Jocelyn uses magic to get Theodore to love her, but there is genuine affection from Theodore to Jocelyn in that it's not a 'You used magic on me? I HATE YOU!' sort of thing.
It's the sort of thing, where Theodore realizes he was under a spell, but is willing to work things out, even for the greater good, even if he's not happy at it.

The key....is to get that relationship on paper.
In a way that makes sense.
In a way that makes the reader sympathize with both sides of the party.
and doesn't make Theodore seem like the real jerk he was in his first draft....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Needs My Notebooks!

So my sister tried to carry my bag the other day.
She hefted it, gave me a funny look and was like "What do you have in here? Bricks?"
And I was like..."No...Notebooks!"
"How many notebooks?"
"Oh...ummm...like four? maybe five?"

I know what you're thinking.
Why do I need so many different notebooks?
Because seriously, that's the only way I can keep track of multiple different stories without having to flip back and forth between pages.
When a new idea hits me, I just switch to a different notebook, that way, if I get the chance, I can go back to the other story line I'd been working on before the idea hit, and walla! It's still together!

Of course, others...have warned me about having too many notebooks in my bag, because you know...I might break my bag.

So, I tried to heed this advice.
I'm leery though, as what if I take out a notebook and then I need said notebook for an idea!

Yet...I tried it.
And my leeriness was right.

I had this idea strike me at work.
A new scene for a mostly complete story.

And guess what!
I didn't have that notebook with me!
Why? Because I'd taken it out, because I actually hadn't touched it in a while.
But....today I needed it.
I mean. I could have used a different notebook, but then...in the future...I wouldn't be able to find that scene because I would think it would be in that story's notebook but it wouldn't be!

Sooo it's very likely, that I'm not going to take any of my notebooks out of my bag in the near future.
Who knows when inspiration will strike!!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Must Write This Down

A couple of new Characters introduced themselves to me last night.

They waltzed right into my dreams, and stole my heart.
To the point where I didn't want to wake up.
As I wanted to continue to explore their story. 
Peacefully, without distractions, in my mind.

Unfortunately, I had to get up at some point.

But they're still there, lurking, in the back of my mind.
Wanting their story told.  

-Sarnic Dirchi