Friday, December 27, 2013

Enchanted Moment

There I was, watching Enchanted.
Totally a random place to gain inspiration, but there was this one scene.
Near the end of the movie
(where if you haven't seen it and don't want to be spoiled...stop reading here.)

Where Giselle was lying unconscious and Prince Edward had just failed to awaken her, and everyone had just turned to what's his face...Robert.
That moment where it's like "And the world suddenly depends on you."
His face.
His words. "No, that's impossible, I've only known her a couple of days."

I love those moments in movies and books, even songs.
Where the hero gets his moment.
Where he decides if he wants to take a chance,
or stay with the same old same old.

Yep. Good moment that scene. One I hadn't paid attention to before, but now, is kinda stuck in my head on repeat.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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