Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Song Character Creation

Ready? :D
Have you been waiting anxiously to see what I came up with?
Well, here you go!

1st Song -Skid row
-I gotta get out of here. -down on my luck, - thief, -rich person turned poor, -person trying to hide. Not be found.

2nd Song -When Somebody Loved Me
-alone. Lost a friend –girl best friends.  -betrayal, -one finds fame and forgets the other.  –broken relationship.
3rd Song -Shadowland
-redemption –dawning morning, hope is found. -Had no choice - set to their path, doesn’t see a way to get out of it. -cast out –plans to find a way to return, regain what was lost.
4th Song -Come Little Children
-Reminds me of Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time, -Garden of Magic, -Gets a wish, but doesn’t like the results of it.
5th Song -Transformation
6th song -Tarnished Silver
-power that character gets doesn’t last. It ‘tarnishes’ with time. -wanted to leave…leave power. Comes to accept them. -fire, ashes, silver, tarnish…power with one, some or all of those? Liquid silver..molted silver?

7th Song -Let it Go
-swirling metal flecks. -hot , molten -Building something to hide, but gives up, decides to show the world, allows people to come into the built masterpiece. Shares, helps the world. -Creation ends up helping problem at hand. -Silvery wings. –Flying in the air. “Here I stand, here I stay” -Making a better world. City. Saving the city from a terror..i.e. foreign enemy, volcano exploding, other unworldly thing?  

8th Song -Brimstone and Treacle I
-O.o This is a weird song. O.o -Harsh taskmistress, taking advantage of main character. Working them beyond safe means to get results. -task mistress cause of best friend separation?

9th Song -Temper Temper
-O.o I don’t think I want to see this musical.  -Caught at last, looses control. -Think you’re wicked. Labeled. Unable to escape it. -once something is created it can’t be destroyed.

10th Song -Brimstone and Treacle II
-Disappears for 2 years. -Broken wings.  -part of redemption cycle –returns to the taskmistress
-returns with help. Doesn’t do this alone.

 Okay, from all those little concepts I got this:
While under the harsh rule of a taskmistress at a metal factory, a young character (undecided if boy or girl), gets into an industrial accident, and finds themselves with an ability to work with silver, particularly with molten silver. They have found themselves suddenly with the 'rare' ability to become part of a 'elite' club of metal workers -those who have powers with different metals. Usually reserved for those born with the ability. And currently, the character's ability with silver, is looked down upon. Why? Because Silver Tarnishes. That's bad. Metal is supposed to be perfect and if it 'tarnishes' it's not perfect. And when an accident happens, to destroy a bunch of different metalworks, the Main Character has to flee.
Later...the MC figures out how to keep the Silver from Tarnishing, surprisingly from the taskmistress that they despised, and ends up becoming a hero, when they use their ability to created a 'metal storm' of molten metal to save the city from being destroyed by.... who knows. :) 
There's my idea. :) lol, not really a character development, more of a plotline, but hey. ^^ It was fun to come up with anyway. :)  
What did you come up with? :)
-Sarnic Dirchi

1 comment:

  1. Heh, funny thing is, it scared so many kids they actually ended up replacing "Temper Temper" with a different song in the musical. Which I think is a pity, 'cause I would love to see this performed.
    I ended up coming up with a character stuck in a rut in life. Her mother, who she used to be really close to, has started neglecting her (work, new boyfriend, who knows?), and eventually the environment gets so toxic she decides to leave. While she's gone, however, she ends up being hunted by dark fairies who steal her life force. As she lays dying, a flock of good fairies give her a second chance by turning her into one of them. She has a hard time adjusting to her new powers and immortality until she says goodbye to her mother on her deathbed. Then she decides to dedicate the rest of her life to protecting others from the fairies that tried to kill her.
    Yeah, kinda darker than I realized...
