Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Needs My Notebooks!

So my sister tried to carry my bag the other day.
She hefted it, gave me a funny look and was like "What do you have in here? Bricks?"
And I was like..."No...Notebooks!"
"How many notebooks?"
"Oh...ummm...like four? maybe five?"

I know what you're thinking.
Why do I need so many different notebooks?
Because seriously, that's the only way I can keep track of multiple different stories without having to flip back and forth between pages.
When a new idea hits me, I just switch to a different notebook, that way, if I get the chance, I can go back to the other story line I'd been working on before the idea hit, and walla! It's still together!

Of course, others...have warned me about having too many notebooks in my bag, because you know...I might break my bag.

So, I tried to heed this advice.
I'm leery though, as what if I take out a notebook and then I need said notebook for an idea!

Yet...I tried it.
And my leeriness was right.

I had this idea strike me at work.
A new scene for a mostly complete story.

And guess what!
I didn't have that notebook with me!
Why? Because I'd taken it out, because I actually hadn't touched it in a while.
But....today I needed it.
I mean. I could have used a different notebook, but then...in the future...I wouldn't be able to find that scene because I would think it would be in that story's notebook but it wouldn't be!

Sooo it's very likely, that I'm not going to take any of my notebooks out of my bag in the near future.
Who knows when inspiration will strike!!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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