Saturday, March 15, 2014

Book Contests

Recently I've been seeing a lot of places online (in blogs and such) where I can enter a contest to win a free book (ARCs most of them.)
And I'm like O.O Ooo free book.
How could anyone pass up the chance for a free book! :D That's like every reader's dream right? Stumble across an awesome book, and you don't have to shell out tons of money to get it!

Then I read: If you win this book, you need to publish your opinion of the book somewhere online (Goodreads, Amazon, A Blog) within a certain time period. Entering this contest means you agree to do so.

:S Critic a book? Give my opinion? Publish it in the public sphere of the internet?

*small voice*
But...what if I don't like the book?

Seriously. What if I don't?
This is a new book coming out. Which obviously means. "Hey we want people to buy as many copies of this as possible! We need GOOD reviews!"

Granted, there are very few books that I've absolutely disliked.
But, if I were to enter, and actually win, I'd want to give an accurate review...
Not some fluffy vague thing of "this was fun to read." but something more...lengthy. Something that gives possible readers a good idea of what to expect.
Which probably means my review would be soo long and play by play that it would be totally boring to read. ;) haha.

Yah...of course, this is only a worry if I actually 'win' said contest 'if' I enter it.
Highly unlikely that I would in any case.

Hmm....yah...everyday the temptation to try it out grows stronger...we'll see if I actually take the leap anytime soon.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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