Saturday, March 22, 2014

Character Creation

Soo I wasn't really in the writing zone today at work.
Mostly due to not sleeping well,
I took the opportunities on my breaks to 'rest my eyes' just to try and even things up a little tiny bit.

Which meant I started day dreaming.
Trying to work out stuff in my Forest story.

And...I got a bit side tracked.
With a 'What if'' concept...still within the world, but not part of the main story.
Like I said. 'side' tracked. Not totally diverted. :)
But it was a concept of "Well I know this main character does this to other characters (past events that aren't a main focus to the main story)" so what if I followed the story of one of those characters?

The thinking wasn't that clear though, it was that drifting I'm not really thinking just 'dreaming' and I could see the image of a young man, with dark shaggy hair, his hands over his head like they were chained there. A slave if you would.

How would that connect into the Forest story? And so I drifted, playing with elements, possibly introducing this character to other characters, who would they interact with and the such.

And that was it. Basically a vague character outline. Concept, a couple of scenes.

But...I felt like this character...needed a name. Couldn't think of one there at work, wasn't consciously searching for it.
Then, as I was watching something on my laptop, I happened to look at the credits and a name popped out at me.

Curious as to why that caught my attention, I looked up the meaning of the name.

It meant "Chestnut."

And below, there were these 'numerology meanings.'

Potential. Mediator - Expression / Destiny Number 2. Possessing the tools to work very well with other people. His destiny is in the role of the mediator and the peacemaker. In many ways he is dependent on others and seems to function best in a partnership or in some form of group activity. Modesty runs deep in his nature, and he can work comfortably without recognition of his accomplishments. Often, others get credit for his ideas, and this is of little real concern to him since he is such a willing team player. As he grows in this direction, he becomes sensitive to the feelings of others, he is ever diplomatic in handling complicated situations. Cooperative, courteous, and considerate, he has the capacity to become an outstanding facilitator. He understands how to organize and handle people. He is a good detailed person because he rarely overlooks anything. Tactful and friendly, nearly everyone likes him.

Desire. Recognition - Soul Urge Number 1. He wants to lead and direct, to work independent of supervision, by yourself or with subordinates. He takes pride in his abilities and wants to be recognized for them. He may seek opportunities to display his strength and usefulness, wanting to create and originate. In his desire to manage the big picture and the main issues, He may often leave the details to others. Ambitions and determined, a leader seeking opportunities. There is a great deal of honesty and loyalty in this character. If he possesses positive 1 Soul Urge qualities, He is very attainment oriented and driven to success. He is a loyal friend and strictly fair in his business dealings.

Surprisingly, the character I had in mind fits this numerology stuff pretty well.
The first 'Potential' fits where he is now. I mean...a slave, he wouldn't get much credit for anything. The master would get the credit. He works well with others and doesn't seek to put himself ahead,

But, Desire. Yah, he wants to lead. He wants to be recognized. He wants to not be a 'sheep'

I just found it totally crazy that personality and characteristics I was working on, happened to nearly match up with the attributes/numerology related to a name that I randomly saw on the credits of a show I was watching.

Totally exciting. It's like "I'm on the right track!" ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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