Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Not Yet Fixed

So we have this fridge that stores our fresh dog food. 
But the thing is as old as dirt I feel like.

And it seems like at least twice a year it breaks down. 

Which is the case right now.
I don't know exactly what's wrong with it this time, though I'm guessing it's a problem with keeping the food cool as that's usually the problem.

As the dude that's come in multiple times this week to work on it has mentioned 'waiting for the ice to melt' so who knows. 

In any case.
While the fridge is broken we haven't been able to stock any of the fresh pet food. 

And today I had a customer call asking if we had the fridge fixed yet as it was broken last week when they came in to try and get food for their dog.

Unfortunately, I had to tell her it was still broken so we didn't have any food.

And the customer was like "Guess I'll have to go to [competitor] instead." and abruptly hung up on me.


I hate it when customers do that.
It's like they name drop our competitors with the expectation that if they do we'll suddenly be able solve their problem or find the product in stock.

I'm sorry the fridge is broken.
But it's not like I can snap my fingers and suddenly have it fixed and stocked with your food.

Stores don't work like that.
We're getting it fixed as quickly as we can.
But sometimes things take time. 

Hopefully we get it fixed soon, because I hate fielding those sort of calls. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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