Monday, November 11, 2019

On Top

So for the past couple of weeks, one of our phones has been missing.
Specifically the Manager's phone.

It just upped and vanished one day.

At first I thought it was because someone took it home.
But apparently no one did. 

So we kinda just figured it would be lost until we found it.


I did.


I found it while cleaning out the cat cages in the adoption center.

And since we'd had like three cages emptied out,
I'd reached up to the top of the cat cages, to pull down any litter scoops up there.

And my reaching fingers encountered a rectangular object.

When I pulled it down.

It was a phone.

At first I thought it was the Petcare phone -aka the phone I usually have in my department.

But I hadn't been given it yet at that point.

And it would be weird to have it left up there from the night before.

But a closer look...revealed that the writing on the back (as we labled each phone so we could more easily tell them apart) it had "Leader" Written on it.

The manager phone.

Lol the manager was so surprised and grateful that I'd found it when I brought it to him. XD

My guess is that one of the managers was helping with a cat adoption and set the phone down when it started ringing and put it on silent so that they could let another person pick up the call on a different phone while they continued helping in cat adoptions...and then just forgot it was up there. 

But hey.
At least we have the phone! Woot! 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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