Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fish Today

A little boy came into the store today with his heart set on getting an angelfish.

The problem?

He only wanted a five gallon tank.

Which is too small of a space for an angelfish to be able to live well in.

As they get large enough that a twenty gallon tank at minimum is much better suited for them.

The boy didn't want to get a twenty gallon tank though.
He wanted a small tank.
And wanted angelfish.

But as I spoke with him and his mom and went over everything they would need and the pros and cons and talked about different fish.

It became clear that he was less inclined to get the angelfish.

And really just wanted to get his fish and tank today. 

Which still was a slight...issue as it's not recommended to get tank and fish on the same day. 

Unless it's a betta fish.
Those usually do pretty well. 

But the boy wanted more than just a betta fish.

Which meant that he either needed to get a divided tank...or a bigger tank.

Towards the end of my interaction with him he seemed set on getting the ten gallon sized tank so he could get a betta fish and then later come back for other fish.

But the parent wanted to talk it over first.

So I left them to go help other customers....

And therefore didn't see what their final decision was in regards to tank and fish. 

But hopefully the boy ended up happy with the final choice.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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