Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My Head Hurts

 So normally I don't mind it when customers speak to me with an accent. 

Like bravo to them for learning a second language and such.

And often times I just like listening to them speak and how they pronounce words and such.


When I've had a migraine for like a week straight....

And I end up helping FOUR customers in a row -all of which had accents from different places....

It gets less fun because my brain ends up just...hurting.

Like normally it's not an issue, sure there's slight miscommunications here and there. But overall we're usually able to clarify and be understood between each other.

But today....all four customers were having trouble understanding what I was saying.

Which meant that I ended up having to repeat myself over and over and over.

And it's always antagonizing when I have to tell the same customer the same information multiple times because for whatever reason what I'm saying isn't computing to them...or you know...they weren't listening in the first place.

But to have FOUR people/groups in a row do this to me.

When my energy levels are really low and I'm suffering from a week long migraine.

Ha yah no.

I was sooo frustrated by the end of it.

Like I don't know what I can say to make my words clearer to you...but you need to actually pay attention to what I'm saying especially when you keep asking me questions that I already answered earlier in my explanation of things. 

*shakes head*

Yah I had to go hide in the back for a bit after helping all those customers because gah. Frustration does not help an aching head at all. was cool to hear those accents from all over the world despite the circumstances.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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