Thursday, May 6, 2021

What Brand?

 Had a customer come into the store today to return some bags of food that they'd bought for their...particularly picky eater dog and cat.

Said dog didn't like to eat like...anything. 

Said cat is a nursing mother needing a higher protein diet but apparently doesn't like the food the customer bought for them last time and prefers the dog's food....*exhales*

In any case.

I had helped the customer the last time they came in with picking out those bags of food.

But I helped a ton of people in the week inbetwee so it took me a bit to place just how I had helped them and what the situation was. 

And as I was trying to figure out what I had suggested last time I was like "Okay, so which brands did you get last time?"

And the customer just gave me this exasperated look. Like they expected me to remember what food I'd shown them last time -when I've shown tons of customers tons of different brands of food- and they were like "I don't know!" had the bags with you for a WEEK. You had to LOOK at said BAGS whenever you grabbed some of the food within to try and feed to your pets.

YOU brought the bags of the food BACK into the store. 

Like...How in the world do you not remember what brands of food you just dropped off at the register? How unobservant are you?


So weird.

In any case. I helped the customer again, showed them a couple other brands they could try this time to see if that would work.

Hopefully it does.

Guess we'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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