Wednesday, February 11, 2015

MLAARE -Boxed Up

Some people really shouldn't have pets.
Really. They shouldn't.
There should be a ban, a warrant out to keep them from having them.

Why do I think this?

Earlier today, right as I was getting off my work shift,
A man.
Older gentleman, a muscular husky, bald head....and looking familiar (so I'd probably helped him before at some point.)
Stormed into the store.
You could almost see the rage coming off of him in waves.
And nearly slammed a box on the counter,
My cashier asked him a question,
I didn't hear the response as I was still over by the fish,
and he stormed out again.

I thought it was to grab some paperwork, or his wallet or something, as at first glance, I thought he was returning one of our animals.
Main thought was that it had died :(
But I'd hoped that it was still alive whatever it was.

As I got closer my confusion grew, as I realized it was one of our adoption boxes, ones we use only for cats.
Again I thought the worse. Had this gentleman adopted one of the cats and it had died on him?

The cat was still alive. And smelt super bad as well. :S yikes.

No, what had happened was that "He couldn't stand it anymore." Dealing with this particular cat and had brought her back and left her there, just like that.
Abandoning his pet.
Abandoning a cat that had been looking for her forever home!

Because he couldn't stand it anymore.

I heard from another coworker that apparently she'd somehow gotten behind their washer and drier and had peed there.

Which, upon investigating who was in the box.
Made a ton of sense.

As it was a black short haired female.
One I'd been caring for in the store for a couple of weeks.
She'd been there earlier in the week, but had been adopted after I left for the day.

And the poor thing is so timid.
Really, she needs a special calm home for her to relax.
For she really just laid curled up all day in her cage at the store.
She wasn't one to move when there were people about.
She wasn't feral.
For she loved to be petted and scratched, and had been calming down.
But honestly, it takes more then two days for one like her to relax in a new home.
She would have needed a week or two at the least, with a quiet caring owner, confident. patient.

Everything this man was not.
How terrified she must have been to hide behind the washer and drier!

I have no idea what sort of home environmental nightmare she must have been in.
If the gentleman is anything to go by.
It wasn't a quiet peaceful place.
It wasn't an environment full of patience.

No, hearing it from other coworkers, even adopting her out had been a hassle in the first place.
The man getting angry at all the paperwork he had to fill out.
Not listening to us when the coworker told him multiple times that he needed to pay with CASH, and upon getting up to the register tried to pay with a Credit Card.
and became so loud in the store that apparently you could hear him all the way from the back because of that.

Oh, my poor kitty cat.
It definitely wasn't the environment to place a timid cat in.
No, one that was more confident would have worked out better,
At least I hope it would have.
But I don't know if this gentleman is suitable for a cat.
Not if he's prone to outbursts. To anger.
As cats can be singularly frustrating.
And timid cats even more so.

At least she's safe now.
Away from the nightmare she'd been in.
Able to find a different home more suited to her needs.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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