Thursday, February 19, 2015

MLAARE -Washing Wood

One of the fun parts of my job is that I often learn new tidbits of information from customers that can be helpful to other customers in the future.
Mostly because they read things....
Why they decide to read things on packages of items at the store...isn't always clear.
I's a bag of woodchips...obviously you know what it is. You know it's meant to be used as bedding, what else would you need to read about it?

Well...apparently some individuals like to read the packaging for such things.
And taught me something new.

As it says right on the bag.
That you can wash the woodchips.
That caught me by surprise.
Wash the woodchips?
Of course it makes sense, I often wash wooden branches and hideouts from the habitats without a second thought.
But it never crossed my mind...or it did but I dismissed it....that the woodchips could be cleaned in a similar way.
That you don't have to toss them out.
You can clean them.

I suppose if you have the time and patience to do so....good for you!
I'll have to keep that in mind the next time someone asks about how often they need to change out the woodchips for their reptile I can add in this little tidbit.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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