Thursday, November 5, 2020

Chameleon Customer Continued

It's been an adventurous week with our homeless dude and his chameleon.

I'm not sure, honestly, how many times he's been in the store.

I know of at least three instances when I was there. But who knows if he's come in at times when I wasn't. 

In any case it started before halloween with the dude randomly coming into the store and becoming obsessed with the chameleon we had.

Because the chameleon was actually being social and coming up to the glass and attempting to reach the dude's finger.

He wanted to hold the chameleon but due to covid I couldn't allow it and he left the store promising to come back the next day.

I never saw him the next day.

But he did come in on Monday. 

Wanting us to discount the chameleon for him because he didn't have enough money to buy it at the moment but he really wanted to get it.

I denied the sale because 'i really want it' isn't good enough grounds to put a discount on anything in the store. 

And if the dude can't afford to spend $60 on the chameleon.

He probably can't afford to spend $200+ to get all the proper gear for the chameleon's cage, heat, decor, and food. 

 Considering the guy was asking if he could keep the chameleon in a critter tote....

Yah no. Not gonna fly.

So I gave him a care guide on what he needs to care for the reptile, showed him the cages he would need. 

And he left the store claiming he was gonna get more money to get the chameleon.

I was hoping still...that he would drop it.

But considering he's already been in twice...I wouldn't have been surprised to see him again.

And like I said before. I'm pretty sure the dude is homeless. like he's wearing a heavy coat and pants, has a backpack, has the typical 'homeless look' to him....and with him riding a bike away instead of a car...i doubt he'll be able to transport a tank anywhere....


But today, while I was on lunch...the dude came in again. To buy the chameleon.

My coworker did their best to ensure that the guy had his cage and everything ready.

But neither of us had seen him come into the store to buy a tank.

Like it's possible he'd sourced everything elsewhere. Like people give away tanks online for far cheaper than we sell them....

Though considering the guy doesn't have an email address.....idk if he knows how to use the internet.

But it's not like we can tell the guy 'sorry we think you don't have a proper cage and therefore we can't sell the reptile to you' just because he looks homeless. 

If he says he has a cage...we have to take him at his word. And the coworker had asked him to describe the cage and such.....and like...his answers passed muster. 


Though since the guy couldn't really provide an address for the paperwork....i honestly don't think he has an actual home to take the chameleon back to.

...At this point I won't be surprised if the chameleon ends up dying.

Because if he doesn't have the proper cage for the reptile....I highly doubt it will last long. Not when a cold snap is expected to hit this weekend where we're gonna drop into the 40s and 30s. 

Far too cold for a chameleon. 

Gah. I kinda wish the dude had just lost interest. 

But I guess we'll just have to see how the dice fall...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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