Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Three Bearded Dragons

 So we had a customer buy three bearded dragons from us over a month ago. And it was the sort of situation that just had me like...trying to not raise my eyebrows because who would want to buy three bearded dragons at the same time? It's just...not something that I would recommend doing. Especially when you're not sure that your spouse will approve of it. 

And like this customer, I'm pretty sure, had already bought a couple of leopard geckos from us like the month before that. 

Which...feeding 5 lizards can get rather expensive. Especially when 3 of them are bearded dragons where an individual one could eat 60 crickets at a time. 

So I wasn't going to be surprised if the customer ended up returning the bearded dragons at some point.

Which the customer ended up doing.

Only not because they didn't want them any more.

No all three bearded dragons appeared to have some sort of 'tail rot' happening to the tips of their tails, and the customer was concerned and wanted them checked by the vet.

Which is a service we offer as part of our guarantee. We'll take the animals to the vet within a certain time frame of being purchased if there's a health issue.

So we took the three beardies to the vet. And one of them ended up being fine. No issues that the vet could see.

So I called the customer to let them know they could take that beardie back home. But the other two would need to be on some medications to help with their tails for a couple of weeks.

Since we got results rather quickly, the customer wanted us to observe the 'healthy' beardie for the weekend to just double check that it was healthy.

Which I did.

And I called the customer and left them a message that monday that the could come get the bearded dragon.

No response.

I think I called a few days later, to again let them know that the bearded dragon was healthy and ready to be picked up.

and it sounded like the customer was going to come get the healthy one....

But more days passed...and no customer.

And then. Tragedy. One of the other two bearded dragons we'd been treating ended up dying on us. Y_Y Which is never a good thing and especially not fun when you have to inform the customer that one of their pets didn't survive.

*exhales* But they still had the other bearded dragon that was still healthy and ready to be picked up, while the last beardie on medications still had like another week to go at that point.

Fast forward and I've been gone for a week on vacation, but the medications are done with for that last beardie...and the original one is still there waiting to be picked up.

Like....the fact that the customer didn't come get the healthy bearded dragon right away should have been a sign.

But I called the customer again to inform the that both bearded dragons were healthy now and ready to be returned to them....

And the customer was like "Cool!......we actually no longer want to buy them back." 


*exhales* Honestly i should have seen it coming when they didn't grab that first bearded dragon.

So yah. I mean if enough time passes we have had customers decide that they no longer want their pet back. So it's understandable.

but still. *shakes head*

I do wonder if the customer will come back on black the hopes of getting the bearded dragons half off then because they are going half off that day....guess we'll see.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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