Monday, November 2, 2020

Discount It

 >_< The chameleon customer came back today. 

I'd been hoping that I had missed him Saturday and that he'd forgotten all about the chameleon.

But no, who knows if he came in Saturday, but he definitely came in today.

Apparently he's decided that he really wants the chameleon and approached our cashier to ask if it would be possible to discount it.

Which we were all like ??? hearing that request over the radios.

Because we don't discount animals. It's rare to discount them honestly. Like if there's something wrong with the creature we usually adopt it out to a customer who will be able to care for it and its special needs.

And I wasn't aware of there being any issues with our chameleon.

But no, when I rounded the corner to investigate who was wanting a was the homeless guy from Friday. *exhales*

Though honestly...I'm not completely sure if he's homeless. He says he has a home...but at the same time, you usually don't see people wearing heavy pants/coats with large backpacks come into the store unless they are homeless or hitch hiking. He gave off the 'homeless aura' so to speak. 

In any case. The dude wanted to know if we would discount the chameleon for him because he wanted to buy the reptile but didn't have enough money to do so.

Which kinda sets off red flags because like...if you can't afford to spend $60 on a chameleon...when it's already on sale (saving you $10 cus it's usually $70) then you aren't likely able to afford ~$200 worth of gear/cage/equipment/food that the chameleon needs to survive. 

And I was pretty sure the dude had none of this stuff. Especially when he asked how long he could keep the reptile in a temporary container. 

And I had to show him all the cages and such that was required because chameleons are one of the more delicate creatures and that they wouldn't do well in the cold without heat.

To which the customer responded that he wasn't going to be 'in the cold' as he would be 'taking the bus' 

To which I reiterated that the chameleon would need heat because they need to stay warm. I ended up giving the dude a care guide, pointing to the "Needs 90-100 degrees in it's basking spot" portion of the guide and again showing him what cages he would need to buy everything.

Like reptiles aren't cheap. They have a pretty expensive start up cost if you don't already have all the stuff.

I left him to look at things down the aisle and he ended up leaving the store without buying anything.

Though when I went to go take out a curbside pickup he was standing outside the store with his bike and he told me "I'm going to go home and get more cash." before riding off.

Which...I hope he has another mode of transport because there's no way he's carrying a cage on a bike to his sure I could see him transporting the reptile...but all the gear? Not likely. :S 

I didn't see him again before the end of my I can only hope that he changed his mind and didn't come back....but I guess we'll see when I go into work tomorrow if the chameleon is there or not. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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