Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Doggy Door

I had a customer come up to the register today wanting to know if they could return a doggy door they'd purchased 'a while ago' because they finally got a guy in to install the door in their home...only to realize it was the wrong size. So they wanted to return it. 

And knowing that the pandemic made it so that we couldn't do returns for a few months, I was willing to check into the possibility of returning the item....but first I needed to see the receipt so I could check the dates.

As usually our return policy is 60 days.

Which we continued returns back in May...and we gave people a 2 month grace period to return items they'd purchased between March and May. 

But this customer?

The receipt that they showed me was from December. 

December of 2018.

You read that right.


They'd bought the doggy door TWO YEARS AGO.

O.o Like...how does it take a person TWO YEARS to install a door? *shakes head*

I honestly don't know.

But I definitely couldn't do a return on something that old. 

Like again, our return policy is 60 days. 2 months. That's it. 

But the customer was like "Can't you make an exception?" "Can't you just exchange it out because I'm buying all this other stuff?" 

No. No I could not. Because it's TWO YEARS OLD.

The customer wouldn't be dissuaded though.

"What if I brought it back 'later' without a receipt. Would you be able to return it then?" 

Ha. Like I'm gonna tell the customer yes. *shakes head* No. I informed the customer that the item is considered a high theft item (plus expensive things need to have a receipt regardless) and that in order to return the product a receipt has to be shown to do the return.

So yah.

I was actually surprised the customer went ahead with buying their other purchases as I half expected that they'd just go "oh well nevermind then" and leave everything at the register and call it a day.

They didn't though. They bought their other items. And took their doggy door back home.

Hopefully the customer can find somewhere online to sell it.

But yah no, not returning it to our store. Not after 2 years. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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