Monday, September 18, 2017

The Biggest

I had an older woman try to return some feeder goldfish today.
Dead feeder goldfish.

Which...unfortunately we usually don't do. Because they're feeder fish.
They're meant to be fed to other animals as a food source.
So therefore, they aren't always the...most long living....
Which is why we don't guarantee them.
Because they aren't expected to live for long.

However, people do buy them as pets to put in bowls, tanks, ponds etc. 

And this customer had bought a bunch of them.
The bag probably had at least twenty dead goldfish in it.
Which.. :S Is rather depressing.

And my coworker who was dealing with her at first, was like "Can we return these?" And I was like "You gotta ask a manager on that, because we usually don't."

Unfortunately for the woman, the managers wouldn't return the dead fish for her.
Mostly because she'd come in after about 2 weeks.
Which is what the rest of our fish are guaranteed a 2 week guarantee.
But with feeders with no guarantee.... no such luck.
If they'd died within 24 hours or even 48 the manager may have been more willing....but 2 weeks... *exhales*

Poor woman, I felt bad for her that she spent money on the fish only for them to die...and not get her money back on them.

And I could totally understand how she wanted to 'get her monies worth' with the new goldfish she was buying.
So when I stepped in to help her get some new goldfish she was like "I want the biggest ones you have."

Which since I only had about 20 goldfish left (we hadn't been replenished yet) didn't leave me many options.
"How many did you want?" I asked her.
"The biggest ones" were her response....which didn't tell me if she wanted all of them or three of them or half of them... *shakes head*

So I just started fishing them out, the largest ones I could get.
And stopped at seven and asked her if that was good.
To which she finally decided that she wanted ten goldfish.
So I fished out three more. 

*shakes head*

I hope that batch lasts a bit longer than the previous one. :S 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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