Saturday, June 29, 2019

Shell Rot?

*shakes head*
I don't get my coworkers.
Actually I don't get how paranoid my coworkers are. 

As apparently, yesterday on my day off.
There was yet another freakout about the turtles in the fish wall.

As a few months ago, with permission from the district manager, we moved our aquatic turtles into a tank on the fish wall where they would have access to deeper water and water that would stay cleaner because there is fresh water constantly flowing through it. 

The downsides to moving them to the fish wall?
Was that they didn't have access to heat bulbs or uvb bulbs.

I mean there is a light above them that gives off light. But it's not a UVB light.
And the water is warm enough that it's fine.
-Especially since the temperatures are now getting much hotter outside.

But my coworkers are freaking out that the turtles are sick and injured and need to have their lights.

It comes and goes.
And yesterday was one of those 'comes' days where they apparently spent a couple of hours trying to figure out how to rig up a light system over those tanks. 

Their main reason for wasting so much time yesterday.
Was because they were like "The turtles all have shell rot! It's spreading to their heads and eyes!" 



You know what I found when I looked at those turtles today?

Healthy Turtles.

The shells were fine.
Their heads were fine.
Their eyes were fine.

I saw nothing wrong. 

And like we've had all of those turtles for like under a month.

If something were to go wrong.....
It takes a lot longer for something to go wrong.
Especially with shells.

Like they have to be in bad conditions.
And compared to how difficult it was to keep the tank clean on the endcap we had....
They're in waaaay better conditions.

My coworkers need to take their paranoia down a notch.
So long as they're eating and being active.
The turtles are fine.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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