Wednesday, June 26, 2019


So like a week ago, I helped a customer get some African dwarf frogs for their tank.
It was...a bit of a trial helping them from what I recall. 
But still I did what I could.

Today though, this customer called the store.
With a simple question.
They'd bought the frogs....but after putting them in the tank had only seen one frog surface once....and then never saw any of them again.
Which, the customer's reasoning, was that if they were still alive, they would need to come up for air. 

Honestly, I wonder how long the customer looked at the frogs, because you could stare at them for a good 15 minutes or so if not longer...and you won't see the frogs move up to the surface.
I have no idea how often they do need to come up for air, only that they do. 

So I asked if the customer had looked for them in the tank.
They hadn't.

They just assumed since they never saw them come up for air that they had died.
So the customer wanted to know if they could get their money back or get new frogs.

Unfortunately....I had to tell them that there was nothing I could do.
Because we have to have physical proof that the frog was dead.
Which meant that I needed a body if the frog had died. 

-So if the customer would look through their tank and move things around and discover the frog(s), then of course I could return them.

Without a body?
No can do.

Customer was not happy about that at all.
They interrupted me saying "I'm never shopping at Starsmet again!" and hung up. 

*exhales*'s a risk you have to take when buying live creatures, especially fish. There's a chance you won't find a body. There's a chance you won't be able to get your money back.

But having such a reaction over like $8 (2 frogs at $4 each).

Seems a little extreme.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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