Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A New Head

My managers have been having like...near daily meetings currently.
Just going over the ever changing dynamics of how the store is being run.
As like every day there's changes.

This morning we put up signs tell customers that unless they're planning to purchase an animal today...we won't let the customers hold them. 

Because it's hard to keep your social distance if you have to be near the customer to let them hold the pet.

But like I also heard that we're going to set down tape marking six feet distances in crowded places.
Like the area around our cricket podium and such.

To prevent customers from crowding around us.
Though that hasn't been much of an issue in the mornings....I don't know how crazy it can get in the evenings.

The good news of the meeting today.
As I happened to take my lunch break while the managers were having their meeting in the break room.

Is that we've finally hired a new Head Manager!

Which is great. Because like...we've been without a head manager for over a month now. *shakes head*
Definitely a bad time to be without one of those though our VP Manager has been doing a good job of keeping everyone on track and such.

It will hopefully be good to officially have a Head Manager back in the store. 

Though it is slightly...complicated.

As if things go well...we'll be able to officially have them in the store come Monday....

But things may not go well. As there needs to be background checks and a couple other official things done before this person can become our official head manager.

And with the courts being closed....it may not happen for a bit.

We'll see.

Hopefully this person meshes well with us.

I mean, I met them briefly when the DM brought them by a bit ago and they seemed alright.
But a two second greeting does make it difficult to judge a person.

So we'll see.
Hopefully it's good.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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