Tuesday, March 17, 2020

You Still Open?

It actually felt more normal at work today.
In that Tuesdays are usually slow days.
And today was a slow day.

Though I'm pretty sure it was slow more because many people are avoiding coming in to do the social distancing thing. 

And most (not all) of the customers that did come in were coming in because they needed to get supplies for their pets. 

If you didn't know there was a pandemic going on...today was one of those days where you'd think it was pretty normal. If not slightly more dead than normal.

But it's the phone calls that tell a different tale.

As practically every call I answered on the phone involved the customers either a) asking if we were open/what our hours were. Or b) If our shelves were empty/if we still had dog food. 

Which our shelves still have plenty of food on them for the most part. Like we always have food that runs out no matter what the day.

But overall, most of the product we had bags on the shelf. There were a few brands that were thinner than other brands in being stocked up.

We're not like the grocery stores though. We're not running on empty.

And our hours?
Still opening and closing at the same times as usual.
For now.

And I've been told that we're an "essential retailer" because we provide food for animals. So yah. Not much is expected to change for us.

So hopefully that helps customers not panic...at least as much. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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