Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Another Nightmare Customer

We've unleashed another nightmare customer.

So Sunday I had a customer come into the store right? To buy 4 large Oranda Goldfish.

I didn't think much of it.
Because again, if you're buying that many large goldfish for over $100 total...I would expect you would know what you were doing.

Apparently not.

Because yesterday I saw this customer not once, but twice while I was on the clock.

The first time they came in wanting to get a filter for their tank.

....Which....I would have expected if you were buying over $100 worth of fish....you would have had the tank set up and ready and running.

But after establishing how big of a tank the customer had I showed them the appropriate sized filter and off they went to buy it.

Only to have them come back in a couple of hours later.
This time to get bags of gravel.
But not like the 50lbs that they would need for their tank.
No they only bought like 10lbs. 

And like...it wasn't that bad of an interaction.
it's just stressful for me, because again, there's a language barrier between me and this customer. So our communication takes place via a translator app on the customer's phone. 

And it's just...stressful, mostly because I can't tell what emotion they're actually feeling as from the tone of their voice when they speak they sound rather upset/angry and yet...I'm not sure they are or if it's just how the language sounds?? Not sure.

In any case.
....they came back in again today. *exhales*

And I almost managed to avoid them.
As my manager was helping them and I was just passing by to grab paperwork to do a sale on a couple of hamsters when the customer snagged me into the conversation as they recognized me as the one who's been helping them.

Which sucked because I was literally off right then and just trying to finish the hamster sale and then go clock out.

But no.
This customer ended up making me clock out 15 minutes late. And I didn't even figure out exactly what they were trying to ask/get/need before another coworker came over to take over for me so that I could leave.

I don't even know exactly what they were after.
Like from when I was talking to them they were complaining that the filter that they bought yesterday had made the water all cloudy. And they didn't like that. But like...that's normal for brand new fish tanks to have the water be murky for up to a month until things settle down. 
But they were wanting the water to be as clear as our fish tanks in the store. 
Which the customer wasn't understanding that our tanks didn't get like that overnight. The system has been set up for like 20 years if not longer and we change our filters every single day. So that's why the water looks clear. It took work. 
But the customer was insistent that they wanted their fish tank water to look exactly like ours.
So I showed them some "accu-clear" that could help but I told them that it doesn't always.
And like they were like "I already bought two other chemicals to treat my tank why do I need a third!"
Because the other two chemcials won't clear your cloudy water that's why. XP 

We hadn't come to a solution when I left.
But I've had word that the customer ended up buying a completely new tank to take home.

Which how they got from cloudy water to brand new tank I have no idea.
*shakes head*

I am hoping that I won't see them tomorrow though.
Because after having to deal with them four times in the past three days I'm just dreading having to interact with them again if they do come into the store.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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