Saturday, October 31, 2020

It's Not Hard. Wear a Mask.

It's amazing how willfully ignorant people can be.

Like we've had signs up practically everywhere in our store from the very front doors to the registers to the cages to the floor to the doors to the bathroom...stating that masks are required to be worn in the store.

You literally have to walk past at least six of these signs to get anywhere in the store.

And yet I constantly find people claiming that they "didn't know about our mask requirement"

Which...we've had these mask requirements for months now. Since JULY. 

Practically every major retail store has had these requirements since JULY.

And yet customers still come into the stores not wearing masks.

Like I get some people get distracted and forget to put it on. But there are a bunch who just do a big Question Mark when I tell them about the requirement.

Even though both our sliding glass doors have "Masks are Required" signs on them for both our store and the vet. And then we have this large podium we've set up in front of those doors with a large sign that says "MASKS ARE REQUIRED" and have masks visibly set on top of the podium for the individuals who forgot.

But today at the fish wall I encountered a couple who wanted to get some fish. 

And neither one was wearing a mask.

So I was like "Before I grab you your fish, can I grab you guys a mask? As they are required to be worn in the store."

And they were like "They are?! Since when?!"

Since JULY people. JULY. 

I honestly don't know how they 'didn't know about it' (though I suspect they were purposely playing dumb) when we had signs all over. *exhales*

At least they were willing to wear the masks once I offered to get them. So that's a bonus. Far better than the people who give you the stink eye before pulling their masks out to put on their faces.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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