Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Language Barrier

Technology is amazing!

I had a woman come into the store today.
Where English isn't her first language.

So our communication wasn't....well going well.

She had questions about fish, but what I was saying in English she wasn't understanding.
(There are days when I wish I had the gift of tongues....)

But instead of leaving frustrated.

She pulled out her phone, and went to an app.
and spoke into that app in her language.

And that app showed what she was saying, BUT also it gave the English translation!

So She could talk into it, and I could read what she was asking.

AND then I could TALK BACK into it as well! And my English would be translated into her language so she would understand it!!

Because we could actually understand and get our messages across to each other with less misunderstanding.

Ah. Man, I really need to find that app and put it on my phone so I can use it with other customers the next time the situation arises. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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