Thursday, December 31, 2020

It's Online!

 Gotta love the customers that see something for sale on our online website and then assume that it's also sold in the store.

Like...I too have been victim of this mistake. Though I have learned better since.

But I had a customer come into the store today asking if we carried a specific medication for chickens in our store.

Which our supplies for chickens is extremely limited, especially since we drastically reduced what we do carry, limiting it to basically just food. 

So I told the customer that we didn't have it.

And they were like "But your website says you do!"

...Does it though? As our online website carries a ton more product than what we actually sell in store. And each store doesn't carry all the same product as each store is a different size and can hold only so much per shelf.

So I asked the customer if they could pull up an image of the product so I could see it so I could tell the customer if we had the product here or not.

The customer pulled up the product on our website and showed it to me on their phone. 

I scrolled down the webpage.

And there in big letters was "ONLINE ONLY."

Yah. The customer wasn't too happy to have that pointed out to them...but yah....not much I can do to help them find a product when it's only available online.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Counting Issue

My fellow opening manager was having issues with the safe count this morning.

In that they were off from what the amount should have been. And they couldn't figure out how they hadn't counted correctly.

I ended up glancing over the paper they'd printed out and comparing it to the cash we had on hand.

And realized that they'd accidentally inputed the right number of the wrong spot.

Where they should have put the number of $100s we had on the $100s line in our system.

They accidentally put it on the $50s line instead. 

And because we didn't have any $50s at that point...they hadn't realized that they'd inputed the count wrong.

So yah.

Thankfully it was an easy enough fix. lol. As it would have been concerning to be $$$ off in our count between last night and this morning. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Less Expensive Tank

There's nothing worse than a dithering customer.

Because you end up spending a ton of time with them. A ton of wasted time with them.
Because you could have ended the conversation wtihin like five minutes.
But because of the customer's inability to make a ends up being expanded out to like four times as long.

Today I had a girl come up to me asking for help loading up a reptile tank.
As she needed to get a bigger tank for her bearded dragon.
And wanted to get one of our tanks that opens from the front.

The tank she indicated was on a pallet by our training center. As we had overstock placed there from all the Christmas supplies we got in tank wise. 

So I snagged a coworker and a flat cart to go get the tank and we moved it down onto the cart and got it ready to take up to the front.

And that's when the customer was like "By the way, how much is this tank?" 

*exhales* Because the tanks were extra and a variety of them were stacked there on the pallet, we hadn't priced them out. And knowing that we hadn't yet gotten to the point of refilling the reptile aisle where the tanks usually go. I'm pretty sure the customer couldn't have seen the tank on the shelf because there wasn't one on the shelf to go with the price tag there.

But like. Lady.
Why not check the price BEFORE you have us move it?
*shakes head*

So I went and checked on the aisle what the price was and came back to tell her it was $200. 

Of course the customer was like ()_() "Don't you have any tanks this size on sale for less?" 

You'd know if you would go check the aisle and LOOK at the tanks there.
But no the customer made no indication of moving to go look herself.

And I probably should have been like. "Nope."

But I had seen a 40 gallon starter kit that was on sale. 
For $220 
So for like $20 more she could get everything needed for the bearded dragon and the tank.

But nooo.
She just wanted a tank.
Wanted a tank on sale.
For less than $200.

So I went and checked a third time on the aisle to see what sales we had and then had to go wander around and see if we had any of the sale tanks on pallets anywhere that were less than $200.

And while we had a tank on sale for less than $200.
We didn't have it in stock.

And of course the customer didn't expect to be spending $200 for a new tank.
*shakes head*
I don't see why not. It's a BRAND NEW TANK.
Of course it's gonna be expensive.
If you want a big tank for little money go look on the online classifieds and find people giving away their tanks for $50 and such.

I don't know if this customer ended up getting the tank she had originally had us move.
Or if she ended up leaving to go find a better deal.
As I was done with her dithering at that point and needed to go to lunch.
So I left my coworker to deal with her and went to take a much needed break from people.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 28, 2020

Printing Prices

I was called in for another early morning work shift involving pricing.

Though because I got distracted at the wrong moment by my coworkers when I was clocking in. I didn't see the note left for me by my Head Manager on what I needed to do this morning.

And so assuming that the tasks I'd been expecting to do had gotten done on Sunday.

I went ahead with helping the early morning stockers with the truck instead.

Only to find out later, when my other manager pointed it out to me, that I had been left a list of pricing changes and tags I needed to print out and put up.


While the already printed tags were easy enough to put up.

Printing the new tags out was a trial and a half as our 'new system' as of like 5 years ago sucks.

It's difficult and unwieldy and much more difficult to use compared to the original system we had.

And it's a nightmare figuring out how to scan the tags to get them onto the system and then print out those tags in the correct sizes....

Especially when the printer decides it doesn't want to cooperate and pull from the proper tray.

It was frustrating.

Extremely frustrating to waste so much paper.

And made more difficult considering that I got only like 3 hours of sleep last night.

So yah.

It was fun this morning trying to print out and do all the various price changes.

Definitely not what I wanted to spend my entire shift doing. At all.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Split the Line

I had a customer give me such the dirty look today at work.

Why? Because I was trying to direct him to move to the next blue dot in order to divide out the single long line that had formed into two separate lines.

Really...I don't understand why customers can't comprehend how to split into different lines.

Like we have this spacing dots (like many other stores) on the floor. Two in front of each register. And then off to the side we have a line of dots that start near a pillar leading back down towards the back of the store.

So that customers can keep the spacing as they move up to the registers.

But like...every single time they reach the pillar....they just end up standing there.

When there are at least two more blue dots if not three or four that they could move over to in order to divide up the line.

Oftentimes it takes an intervention of one of us workers directing people where to stand and then telling the next few customers down the line to move to the next free blue dot to get the lines moving smoothly again and keep them split up. 

But this customer gave me such the dirty look.

Because I had the gall to tell him that he could have moved to a closer blue dot (than the blue dot by the pillar where he'd been lurking) sooner. That it was possible to stand on the next series of blue dots closer to the register and actually split up the lines so that there are actual two or three lines instead of one.

He felt that this was horrible news. Because he hadn't realized it himself. Because he had been doing what everyone else was doing before I was able to break free and split up the lines, and standing at the pillar that marks where the dots can split into multiple lines for each register.

And he felt that he could have moved through the line much faster if 'only he'd known sooner' that he could have moved to another dot and created more than one line.

Like dude.

I don't know what to tell you.

I only approached to help the line move faster, it's not my fault you didn't realize before hand that if there's an empty blue dot you can move to the next empty blue dot. Like it should be clear and we have no idea how to make it clearer to customers. 

But yah.

Fun Times. Dealing with customers who don't want to stand in lines. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 24, 2020


I came into work today to a minor disaster.

As our aquatic plant tank -the one holding our hornwort plants- had clogged up. As it tends to do because Hornwort likes to shred and get little pieces of itself everywhere.

And nobody noticed in time.

So water kept flowing into the tank....but no water was flowing out of the tank because the strainer basket got all clogged up. *exhales*

And when the water levels reached the top of the overflowed. Dripping down into the tanks below that one.

And one of the tanks below that one...was our Hermit Crab tank.

Our LAND Hermit Crab tank.

Aka the tank that shouldn't be filled to the brim with water. 

But it was.

The tank had filled all the way to the top and was dripping the excess water onto the floor.

And the poor hermit crabs within it were just like at the edge of the glass waving their claws around like "Help me!!" 

Honestly, I was surprised they were still alive.

I frantically grabbed a small container and scooped out the Hermit Crabs I could see. 

And then set to work scooping out the water from the tank into a bucket and rescuing more Hermit Crabs as they became visible in the swirling dirty mess.

At least five of the poor things had come out of their shells.

But surprisingly...I think all of them may have survived.

Time will tell though.

But yah. It looks like they all managed to survive their deep water bath. 

*shakes head*

What a way to start out Christmas Eve though. Yaaaaay early morning stress lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

15 Minutes Before Close

 I had a customer call the store a couple of hours before we closed asking if they would be able to return a fish tank that they'd purchased from us yesterday because they decided that it wasn't gonna work for them and what they needed it to do.

-Apparently these customers are known to one of my petcare people as they live in my petcare worker's parent's neighborhood...and are well known for being difficult people in general as they had helped them out last night and had told them that what they wanted to do for their tank wouldn't work for them.

From what I gather they have turtles and were trying to give them a bigger tank but ended up deciding that the tank they bought was too deep for them.

In any case.

I told the customer that they could bring the tank back so long as it was in a clean dry condition and they included everything in the box along with the receipt.

I had a niggling thought that they might try to return said tank today.

But had hoped that it was late enough in the evening that the customer would decide to return the tank tomorrow instead.

No such luck.

FIFTEEN MINUTES before we closed.

The customer and their spouse come into the store to return the tank.

And I hear over the radio that they need help getting the tank into the store, so I grab a flat cart and bring it up to help them out though I wasn't sure what these people looked like and while I was trying to figure that out the cashier flags me down saying that they need an override for a return.

Which...upon checking it out...the customer doing the return was the customer who was returning the fish tank.

And said fish tank was not yet in the store.

So I was like "Ha. No." 

(not literally) but I told the customer that I would need to see the tank inside the store first before I could do the return. (silly cashier for not saying the same but they're new) and so the customer had to go track down their spouse so they could take the red cart and then go grab their tank and bring it in.

And once I was able to establish that yes the tank was there...then I did the return to give them their money back.

But it was semi-frustrating to have this occur like right at closing time.

Because other people were trying to check out and such and this just ended up holding up the line and yah....

The people who decide to try to return things right at closing need to rethink their lives. Because it's not fun to have to do that when there's a closing rush. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 21, 2020

Take Down Put Up Again and Again

I got scheduled the early AM shift today so I could help put up the new sales that were going up for the week for our preChristmas Sales.

And ah.

It's annoying.

So annoying that for the past like...two years or three, who knows at this point.

We've basically been putting up and taking down the exact same sales. With the only differences being how much the item is on sale.

It's been even more annoying this past month because we've had to take up and put down like six different sales...only to discover when we go to put up the new sales....that we're basically just doing the same product again. The price is just different. Sometimes it's half off. Sometimes it's a buy one get one 50% off, sometimes it's 25% off.

And it just bugs me.

Like if you're going to make us do multiple different sales in a month at least do sales for DIFFERENT product.

Because honestly, it's a waste of time and resources to make us to the same sales.

Like whoever is in charge of creating the sales for the stores needs to branch out. 

And I understand that there's probably agreements with certain producers of certain products that their items can't go on sale. Or that the company refuses to put on sale because they would lose money if they did instead of still making a profit.

But like....It would be nice to see different things go on sale for once.

Not the same old same old same old same old thing.

Especially if I'm gonna be scheduled to work shifts involving putting up the same stupid sales again and again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 19, 2020

No Waiting

So it's the Saturday before Christmas right?

Like one of the busiest days of the year.

Because everyone is out doing their last minute Christmas Shopping.

And our store was no exception to this.

Like even with up to three registers going we still had lines reaching the back of the store.

Which is crazy. Like I know with social distancing that the lines seem longer than they actually are because people need to stand further apart from each other.

But I've never seen lines that long.

And like...if you're shopping the Saturday before kinda have to expect to wait in a line no matter where you go.

People are everywhere.

There are gonna be lines everywhere.

But we had one customer today decide that they didn't want to wait in the line to buy their doggie nail clippers. 

And so went to our adoption group. 

Which the individuals there who do the adoptions in no way shape or form work for our store.

They just come in to adopt out cats (and rarely dogs).

But they don't interact with our registers at all.

But the customer decided to go to the adoption group that was here today to adopt out kitties for Christmas...and gave them the approximate cash amount that the nail clippers would cost to basically give to us later.


Honestly the adoption group could have pocketed the money and we would have not been the wiser.

But thankfully our adoption group people are honest and so when they saw one of us -aka me- flagged me down and explained the situation.

And I ended up having to go stand in line at the register with the same product that the customer took so that we could ring it up through the register and then use the cash the customer gave to the adoption group to buy the product to buy the product.


Like...i get it's not fun waiting in line. I know the trials.

But seriously. If you didn't want to could have just ordered online and done a curbside pick up. You would have a much less of a wait time doing that if you didn't want to stand in line. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 18, 2020

Return the Tank

 We had a customer come into the store right at 8 am this morning when we opened at our holiday hour time to return a reptile tank. 

Which you gotta admire the dedication of a person who decides to come into the store that early to return something.

I originally thought it was because the customer had changed their mind on the pet they were planning to purchase. 

But no.

It was because they didn't need a second tank.

As they had ordered the tank online earlier in the week for pick up....and their spouse had come into the store yesterday and saw the same tank on sale and thought that that was an excellent deal and bought it.

So yah.

The customer had to come back to return it lol.

Silly silly people.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Dove Return

We got Diamond Doves in today in our animal shipment.

Which is notable mostly because it's been like...two years since I last got them into our store. 

I'd actually thought we'd never see them again despite them still showing as 'active' on our planogram for the birds. 

Do I know why we had such a long gap between receiving them in?

No. Though I'm guessing it's probably just a breeding issue. 

Or perhaps we were put in a 'lull' period of not selling them so that there could be a stronger demand for them when they eventually came back.


We got them into the store today.

And I had the fun task of explaining the doves to my new coworkers and what sort of care they need and how they can be dumb enough to break their wings from flying against the glass too hard.

So yah....hopefully they do well. We'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


A customer called the store exactly at 9pm today.

Like literally as I was gonna go plug in our phone so that it could charge overnight, the customer called.

And I did consider for a split second of not answering the phone and letting it ring.

But the last time I got a call like right at 9pm, it was a manager from our sister store needing a question answered really quick. 

So, hoping that this was the case and that I would know the answer...I answered the phone.

It wasn't a manager from a different store.

Nope. It was a customer.

And they wanted to know what time we closed.

I was like "We closed right now, but we'll be open again tomorrow morning at 8am." 

The customer wasn't happy to hear that. Because they thought we closed at 10pm and wanted to know when we had changed our hours.

Which is...funny. Because like the only time we actually close at 10pm is during the Christmas season which can start as early as the beginning of December, but recently it's only been like the two weeks before Christmas that we've closed at 10pm.

The rest of the year we usually close at nine. Unless it's sunday then we close a couple of hours earlier. And like...if it's a holiday we close at 6pm instead. (Though during the beginning of the pandemic we closed at 7pm and that was amazing) 

So it's rare for us to close at 10. 

And this year we're not staying open late for the holidays. While we are opening an hour earlier (which is pointless really who wants to be out shopping at a petstore so early???), due to the pandemic we aren't staying open late. We're closing at our normal times. 

Guess we'll see if the customer ends up coming in tomorrow or not....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 14, 2020

And They Come

 It's always hard to judge how busy the store will get when it comes to bad weather.

As usually it's expected that the bad weather will keep people home and the store will be dead all day.

Yet half the time I feel like the stormy weather brings in the crowds...people who just need to 'get out of the house' and feel that going to a pet store is the best solution for that.

In any case.

Surprisingly enough the snowy weather this morning did keep the store pretty dead. At least for most of the morning, I don't know if it got busier towards the afternoon, but it felt like a lot less people came in today, for which I'm grateful since I was dealing with a migraine for most of it and it's easier to survive work if I'm not constantly having to interact with people.

Though I did notice a trend with the customers that did come into the store this morning.

They were all 'old'

Like grey haired old. Old enough that I would worry about them being out in the snow and the ice because they could potentially slip and fall and hurt themselves.

So it was rather surprising to see them all coming into the store when the roads were hardly plowed and our parking lot definitely wasn't plowed at all because we hadn't had enough snow fall yet to warrant plowing even though it did risk slippage. 

But come into the store they did.

lol I had to wonder if the old adage of old people saying "We had to walk uphill both was to school in ten feet of snow!" had any truth to it and that's why the older folk were in the store this morning. Because a little dusting of snow wasn't gonna stop them from doing their shopping. lol.

Definitely stopped the younger generations for a while from coming into the store, i didn't really start seeing them in until nearer to noon. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Wanted Dead

 So there's this customer that comes into the store.

That is rather obsessed with well...'saving things'

Pretty sure they come from the great depression era where you use a thing until it's completely dust and save everything 'just in case' it comes in handy later.

For a long while this customer would come get the eggs that our Finches and Canaries would lay and would ask us to save them so that they could then take them, freeze dry them?? do something to them to make them 'collectable' and like make dioramas or whatever to give to schools? I honestly don't know.

But it's been around a year or so since we've done that for that customer.

Mostly because we started selling the birds in our store faster and therefore didn't give them time to lay eggs. But also because the customer stopped asking for them. It could be that they had enough of it...or else enough new people are now working in the store that don't know about this that the customer gave it up.

In any case.

I've also seen this customer try and save cardboard images of like dogs and cats that were headers on displays we were no longer needing. And yah....basically if they see anything getting thrown away they want to double check and make sure they can't use it or repurpose it in some way first.

It's about 50/50 with this customer on their success rate of convincing us to give them things. Some items we're like 'sure have at it' but others we're like 'no we can't do that.'

Today's event included our crickets. 

As apparently the customer is now caring for a spider and needed to get some crickets to feed it. 

When I found the customer they were peering into our small cricket bin. Like lid up head stuck into the bin peering inside.

And I was like "Can I help you?" 

And they were like "Do you sell the dead crickets?"

Because I'd received in a cold shipment of crickets earlier and hadn't yet swept up the dead that had come in as I was waiting to see if any of them would come out of hibernation as sometimes the cold doesn't kill them just makes them sleep.

But most of the time customer want the live crickets because the creatures that eat them like to hunt for their food.

So I was like "No we don't sell the dead ones."

I mean...we do sell the freeze dried dead crickets. There's canned versions and bottled versions of them that customers can buy.

But sell dead ones from the live cricket bin? No. We don't do that. 

Mostly because it can be a biohazard? As we don't know what the creature died from and we don't want to risk getting a person sick from handling the dead creature, or have their pet get sick from eating the freshly dead creature. Plus like...the ammonia that the dead crickets give off can stink rather bad. 

And the customer wasn't fazed at all. They were like "Oh, if you don't sell them can I just have some? My spider will eat them."

Again no. For the reasons stated above. It's a safety issue. 

*shakes head* It reminds me of the people who want to buy the dead goldfish on occasion. Most want it for filming but occasionally they want them for other reasons and like....No we don't sell them and we don't give them away just for safety and public image and such.

So yah, this customer didn't get their dead crickets.

But I did catch them like 5 live ones to go feed to their spider. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 11, 2020

Wrong Wrong Wrong

 It was a day for weird animal shenanigans apparently.

Mostly because like ALL the animals came into the store today. *shakes head* 

Like usually on Friday's I only expect to get in our Fish Shipment...if our Truck is in on time. Which surprisingly it was for once. It arrived before 10 am which is a miracle honestly because the trucks have been showing up towards the late afternoon for the past little while. 

But it was great news as it would give me something to do during my shift.

And overall putting out the fish went without hassle....except I got in a bag of fish that were labeled "4 bolivian ram cichlids" and when I looked at the bag to see if there were any dead within it...I could immediately see that 2 of them were not in fact bolivian rams. No they definitely were 2 blue acara cichlids instead.

And while the other 2 cichlids in that bag appeared at first to be the bolivians....upon placing them in the tank and seeing them with the other bolivians we had already there...I realized that the other two were convict cichlids instead.

So they sent me 2 blue acaras and 2 convicts....instead of 4 bolivians. *shakes head* 

But we also got in our reptile shipment today as well and the paperwork said we were only getting in 1 ball python....but there were 2 in the box. O_o 

I later discovered that there was a second invoice behind the first that showed this second ball python on it.

But it was weird to look at the first invoice and realize that they sent us one snake extra.

*exhales* I notified the company about the 2 ball pythons before I realized that there was a second invoice for the 2nd hopefully we don't end up with 3 in the system when I should only have 2.

In any case. 

We also ended up getting a cricket shipment in that was supposed to have 7,500 large crickets in it. But in typical fashion 4,100 of them were missing. 

And we also received in our small pet/bird shipment today too because the delivery ended up having truck issues and couldn't deliver them yesterday. And for once all the animals in our shipment showed up.

One of them being a chinchilla. 

And I'm used to them being a certain size.

But the chinchilla we got in today is like twice the size of the one already in the cage. He has to be fully grown and he's giant!! lol *shakes head* 

So's just been a weird day when it comes to animals. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 10, 2020


Had a customer come up to the register today demanding to check the price of a bully stick because he'd found it in one of the $1.99 buckets and wanted to make sure that it was actually $1.99.

Upon checking the price, however, it was discovered that the item had been misshelved and was actually $9.99.

The customer asked if I could give it to him for the $1.99 price, to which I said no, but I'd be happy to help him find a bully stick that was $1.99.

So he randomly picks out like two other bully sticks (without looking at the prices below them mind you) and hands them to me to go check.
Which I do and the first one rings up at $1.99 while the second one rings up at $4.99.

Obviously, after double checking that it is indeed $1.99, he takes the first one and I put back the second item and then proceed to try and find where the $9.99 bully stick goes.

I can't find the location.

And the customer is standing nearby waiting in line watching me. And when he realizes that I can't find the location he's like "See! There's no location for it and it's the last one! So can I get it for $1.99?"

Ha. No dude. As you see the UPC is still ON the bully stick which means we can still SCAN it which means it will still RING UP at $9.99. With the product not having any defects or issues. (you know besides being placed in the wrong spot) there is no reason to give such a discount to the customer.

I end up taking the $9.99 bully stick to the back of the store and placed it there to be reshelved later on when the customer isn't watching my every move.

However, that's not the end of the customer's shenanigans. As apparently he also picked up a 50 cent dental treat from a bin while waiting in line that he also wanted to buy.

When he finally reaches the register, the cashier rings up the $1.99 chew and the .50 cent dental treat and tells him that the total is gonna be $2.67 (because you know there's like an .18 cent tax on top of that)

And the guy was like: "BUT IT SHOULD ONLY BE $1.99!!!"

Like're a grown man. How do you not get the concept of MATH? If you buy one item at one price and buy a second item at a different price you add up the two prices together and get a new price that you pay. You don't just get to keep the original price of the first item the entire time.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Online Pick Up

So usually after 7pm we don't check to see if more online orders have come in because we stop doing curbside pick up at that point for the safety of our associates. 

Though since currently it gets dark at like 5pm....that's still two hours of us walking outside in the dark....but anyways. I think we mostly have the 7pm cut off so we don't get inundated with pick up orders right at close when we're trying to get people out of the store and could be dealing with rushes and such. 

In any case.

It was after 7pm when I get a call from a customer asking about an order she'd placed online as she lives further down south and placed the order to get delivered to her parents here in Happy Valley. 

But after placing the order she discovered that our sister store near her had the item in stock and so she planned to get it there and then bring it up here to her parents when she came to visit.

But she wanted to know if we could cancel the order as it was scheduled to be picked up and delivered tomorrow via DoorDash.

And while I'm not certain how canceling things goes on the end of DoorDash, since we hadn't yet picked the order it should be easy enough to cancel it on our end. Though I don't know how to do that personally as only the Head Manager and maybe the VP Manager can cancel orders. 

So I left a note for tomorrow and informed my managers to not pick the order so we could get it cancelled. 

Easy enough so long as people follow directions and not pick things lol. 

In any case. I noted that there was this customer's order and then one more order that had come in.

But since it was after 7pm I decided to leave both for tomorrow.


It seemed like pretty much after I hung up with the first customer I get another call from a customer who stated that she too had just placed an order for pick up, but she hadn't realized that we stopped doing curbside at 7pm and she needed the item she ordered tonight instead of tomorrow.

Which since it was slow, it was easy enough to assure her that I could pick her order and have it ready for her. But since it was after 7pm she would have to come into the store to grab her order instead of us bringing it out to her car. 

Thankfully the customer didn't throw a fuss about that and was quite willing to come into the store. And thankfully she was able to come in before we closed. As that's always semi tricky when it's heading towards closing time. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 7, 2020


It's interesting being a 'bonus person' at work.

Because like...I'm used to being 'needed' in some area. Usually petcare because that's been my main duty for years now. If I'm in the store it's because I'm needed for Petcare. To do the opening tasks that sort of thing.

So to be assigned as a bonus person. An individual who is just basically free floating around the store helping where ever help is needed.

Is weird. 

I mean it's kinda been fun to get a break from doing my usual tasks. To help out in other areas of the store and learn more about other duties that the managers do. 

It can be stressful too though because I feel like I'm a lot more proactive wandering around the store. Helping with stocking and pick up orders and back up cashiering and back up petcaring.

There's a lot of potential things I can do.

It's just...different. A good different.

Though I am glad that I still have more time in Petcare than elsewhere as I do prefer that lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi