Monday, December 14, 2020

And They Come

 It's always hard to judge how busy the store will get when it comes to bad weather.

As usually it's expected that the bad weather will keep people home and the store will be dead all day.

Yet half the time I feel like the stormy weather brings in the crowds...people who just need to 'get out of the house' and feel that going to a pet store is the best solution for that.

In any case.

Surprisingly enough the snowy weather this morning did keep the store pretty dead. At least for most of the morning, I don't know if it got busier towards the afternoon, but it felt like a lot less people came in today, for which I'm grateful since I was dealing with a migraine for most of it and it's easier to survive work if I'm not constantly having to interact with people.

Though I did notice a trend with the customers that did come into the store this morning.

They were all 'old'

Like grey haired old. Old enough that I would worry about them being out in the snow and the ice because they could potentially slip and fall and hurt themselves.

So it was rather surprising to see them all coming into the store when the roads were hardly plowed and our parking lot definitely wasn't plowed at all because we hadn't had enough snow fall yet to warrant plowing even though it did risk slippage. 

But come into the store they did.

lol I had to wonder if the old adage of old people saying "We had to walk uphill both was to school in ten feet of snow!" had any truth to it and that's why the older folk were in the store this morning. Because a little dusting of snow wasn't gonna stop them from doing their shopping. lol.

Definitely stopped the younger generations for a while from coming into the store, i didn't really start seeing them in until nearer to noon. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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