Thursday, December 31, 2020

It's Online!

 Gotta love the customers that see something for sale on our online website and then assume that it's also sold in the store.

Like...I too have been victim of this mistake. Though I have learned better since.

But I had a customer come into the store today asking if we carried a specific medication for chickens in our store.

Which our supplies for chickens is extremely limited, especially since we drastically reduced what we do carry, limiting it to basically just food. 

So I told the customer that we didn't have it.

And they were like "But your website says you do!"

...Does it though? As our online website carries a ton more product than what we actually sell in store. And each store doesn't carry all the same product as each store is a different size and can hold only so much per shelf.

So I asked the customer if they could pull up an image of the product so I could see it so I could tell the customer if we had the product here or not.

The customer pulled up the product on our website and showed it to me on their phone. 

I scrolled down the webpage.

And there in big letters was "ONLINE ONLY."

Yah. The customer wasn't too happy to have that pointed out to them...but yah....not much I can do to help them find a product when it's only available online.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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