Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Less Expensive Tank

There's nothing worse than a dithering customer.

Because you end up spending a ton of time with them. A ton of wasted time with them.
Because you could have ended the conversation wtihin like five minutes.
But because of the customer's inability to make a decision....it ends up being expanded out to like four times as long.

Today I had a girl come up to me asking for help loading up a reptile tank.
As she needed to get a bigger tank for her bearded dragon.
And wanted to get one of our tanks that opens from the front.

The tank she indicated was on a pallet by our training center. As we had overstock placed there from all the Christmas supplies we got in tank wise. 

So I snagged a coworker and a flat cart to go get the tank and we moved it down onto the cart and got it ready to take up to the front.

And that's when the customer was like "By the way, how much is this tank?" 

*exhales* Because the tanks were extra and a variety of them were stacked there on the pallet, we hadn't priced them out. And knowing that we hadn't yet gotten to the point of refilling the reptile aisle where the tanks usually go. I'm pretty sure the customer couldn't have seen the tank on the shelf because there wasn't one on the shelf to go with the price tag there.

But like. Lady.
Why not check the price BEFORE you have us move it?
*shakes head*

So I went and checked on the aisle what the price was and came back to tell her it was $200. 

Of course the customer was like ()_() "Don't you have any tanks this size on sale for less?" 

You know...you'd know if you would go check the aisle and LOOK at the tanks there.
But no the customer made no indication of moving to go look herself.

And I probably should have been like. "Nope."

But I had seen a 40 gallon starter kit that was on sale. 
For $220 
So for like $20 more she could get everything needed for the bearded dragon and the tank.

But nooo.
She just wanted a tank.
Wanted a tank on sale.
For less than $200.

So I went and checked a third time on the aisle to see what sales we had and then had to go wander around and see if we had any of the sale tanks on pallets anywhere that were less than $200.

And while we had a tank on sale for less than $200.
We didn't have it in stock.

And of course the customer didn't expect to be spending $200 for a new tank.
*shakes head*
I don't see why not. It's a BRAND NEW TANK.
Of course it's gonna be expensive.
If you want a big tank for little money go look on the online classifieds and find people giving away their tanks for $50 and such.

I don't know if this customer ended up getting the tank she had originally had us move.
Or if she ended up leaving to go find a better deal.
As I was done with her dithering at that point and needed to go to lunch.
So I left my coworker to deal with her and went to take a much needed break from people.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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