Saturday, December 26, 2020

Split the Line

I had a customer give me such the dirty look today at work.

Why? Because I was trying to direct him to move to the next blue dot in order to divide out the single long line that had formed into two separate lines.

Really...I don't understand why customers can't comprehend how to split into different lines.

Like we have this spacing dots (like many other stores) on the floor. Two in front of each register. And then off to the side we have a line of dots that start near a pillar leading back down towards the back of the store.

So that customers can keep the spacing as they move up to the registers.

But like...every single time they reach the pillar....they just end up standing there.

When there are at least two more blue dots if not three or four that they could move over to in order to divide up the line.

Oftentimes it takes an intervention of one of us workers directing people where to stand and then telling the next few customers down the line to move to the next free blue dot to get the lines moving smoothly again and keep them split up. 

But this customer gave me such the dirty look.

Because I had the gall to tell him that he could have moved to a closer blue dot (than the blue dot by the pillar where he'd been lurking) sooner. That it was possible to stand on the next series of blue dots closer to the register and actually split up the lines so that there are actual two or three lines instead of one.

He felt that this was horrible news. Because he hadn't realized it himself. Because he had been doing what everyone else was doing before I was able to break free and split up the lines, and standing at the pillar that marks where the dots can split into multiple lines for each register.

And he felt that he could have moved through the line much faster if 'only he'd known sooner' that he could have moved to another dot and created more than one line.

Like dude.

I don't know what to tell you.

I only approached to help the line move faster, it's not my fault you didn't realize before hand that if there's an empty blue dot you can move to the next empty blue dot. Like it should be clear and we have no idea how to make it clearer to customers. 

But yah.

Fun Times. Dealing with customers who don't want to stand in lines. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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